For the fugue/cannon I combined chamber strings "performance-spiccato" with large ensembles alternated staccati.
The perf-spic are real performed bow/interval changes, that's why you can hear the changes. It's the same system like or performance-legati.
For the solo violin at the beginning I used basically alternated short notes:
stacccato, short and long detaches without vibrato, and for accents also sfz.
By the way, when I programmed the solo violin I ordered some dedicated patches for upcoming solo string releases, which will fit much better.
The classic mockups are more or less a prove of concept for me. When I discover a major gap, I'll add dedicated patches to our "to do list".
The perf-spic are real performed bow/interval changes, that's why you can hear the changes. It's the same system like or performance-legati.
For the solo violin at the beginning I used basically alternated short notes:
stacccato, short and long detaches without vibrato, and for accents also sfz.
By the way, when I programmed the solo violin I ordered some dedicated patches for upcoming solo string releases, which will fit much better.
The classic mockups are more or less a prove of concept for me. When I discover a major gap, I'll add dedicated patches to our "to do list".