Really subtle mix as well Dietz, did you employ any EQ on those high violins?
Thanks for that, Andy.
Yes, I EQ'ed the violins (I always do, but not two times the same way). I got rid of the obviously "closer" parts of the bow-noise around 280 Hz, and tried to find those two or three sharp resonances that are responsible for a certain kind of directness I don't want to hear on a large vitual stage. These are around 2.5 and 4 kHz. - Apart from that, I lowered the overall treble of the high string section with a smooth shelving from about 5 kHz upwards, for about three dB. OTOH, I _boosted_ the treble of the lower sting-sections a little bit, to get a more diverse attitude in the high-end.
In the end, the whole mix ran through the TDM-version of the UAD-Pultec EQ for yet another colour in the highs. This was just an experiment, though, and I'm still not sure if I really like that signature.
/Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
/Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library