Wow, Finaly some Williams!
I was most impresed with the Schindlers list - oh my, thoso solo strings sounds so Beautifull! Absolutely fabulous, very expressive!
(what articulations You used?)
I love Leias theme a lot and this mockup is very nice, but I miss there some more feeling of "life and space". I listened AB´s Debussy mockup again and again and was again impressed how live it sounds. Original SW recordnings have more "rough" sound - you often hear noises from players, chairs....and this will help this piece a lot. Also string passage from 3:10 sounds a bit messy for my ears, But again - Very nice, Some parts are Great!
Dance macabre - wow! Also great, all fast passages sounds really great. Very nice! [H]
I was most impresed with the Schindlers list - oh my, thoso solo strings sounds so Beautifull! Absolutely fabulous, very expressive!
(what articulations You used?)
I love Leias theme a lot and this mockup is very nice, but I miss there some more feeling of "life and space". I listened AB´s Debussy mockup again and again and was again impressed how live it sounds. Original SW recordnings have more "rough" sound - you often hear noises from players, chairs....and this will help this piece a lot. Also string passage from 3:10 sounds a bit messy for my ears, But again - Very nice, Some parts are Great!
Dance macabre - wow! Also great, all fast passages sounds really great. Very nice! [H]