@PaulR said:
Jesus Daryl, I sometimes wonder what's going on in your head. These are SAMPLES for Christ Sake. It's not real you know - it's real in the sample context, sure, but this endless fkg comparison with real players is becoming almost obsessional.
It's an ongoing developement, this business with samples and as time goes by, R&D in this field will make things even better as time goes on.
I don't understand the problem. Of course I am comparing the samples with real players, otherwise there is no point for me. Trying to achieve the best one can is, by it's very nature, likely to be obsessive. Look at some of the things already in the VSL package; these would have been out of the question a few years ago, and anyone who asked for them would have been considered to be some sort of nutter.
As far as the ongoing development is concerned, if Herb wasn't keen on improving the sample situation, he would never have begun the VSL venture in the first place. Constructive criticism is one way to find out what needs to improved in future, and then it is possible to look for a solution. It looks as if I'm going to have to refrain from posting if nobody is interested in hearing my views [:(]