@sirbellog said:
Speaking of the fast repetitions, this is something I never used, because I can't see how to really benefit of them :
they indeed seem just like short phrases to me (like the drum loops used to be), and their fixed tempo is quite a limitation, making it almost imopossible to use in a "natural" way outside the given tempo.....
unless I misunderstand their purpose, and maybe have missed something important in the VI engine which can control them more satisfactoryly.
So can you, or someone else, tell me how they are intended to be used ?
Actually, you'll fid that they are very useful. If you want fast upbeats of various sorts no player would play them exactly at the tempo and would usually play them faster. There are enough different tempi available that they cover most needs. I use them quite often.
Of course if it really worries you, they can always be timestretched.