I totally agree. Why on earth would I (or anybody) want just one sound? - rather like releasing a synth with just one preset and no knobs! Also, running DI'd or preamped signals into amp/ cab sims creates very realistic results anyway - as note transitions get blurred etc ... even simple home made guitar sample instruments can sound quite realistic (where they sound very fake listened to 'dry'). So if you could get all the VI wizardry (legato etc) paying into an amp/cab sim you would have a very realistic instrument indeed - and a flexible (ie USEFUL) one too!
Guitar sounds are a matter of taste and I personally can't stand the VSL electric guitar sound - no offence! [:)] Even if I loved it I would not want to use the same sound over and over on every project! Maybe there is a target market for it and I am just not in it - ie I own and play a guitar, I make guitar based music and I have amp sims already - it's probably not desingned for someone like me.
I don't mean to complain - I still love VSL ... [:#]