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  • In spite of reading the thread and the official informations one question is still left for me:

    If I understand the download conditions right : either I can hire some articulations for a monthly amount or I can buy the license for whole standard plus edition for 460,- EUR.

    Is there a way to combine both conditions? If one rents a package of 5 articulations for a year he pays more than the price for the whole package. Can the price for renting be deducted (maybe a percental amount) from the price for the whole package in some way?

    Sorry if I had missed something and thanks for your help!



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    @RLeutert_14950 said:

    either I can hire some articulations for a monthly amount or I can buy the license for whole standard plus edition

    No, renting is not involved.  You either buy the package all at once, or you buy the package over time; either way, you end up with the whole package.

    See Herb's reply to my question about this, where I confirmed that renting is not what's on offer: 

  •  Ok, I think I get it now.

    1) There are 54 packages

    2) you 'subscribe'  to one package a month [for example]

    3) For the first month you get Package A01

    4) The next month you, as well as keeping package A01, recieve package A02 for download. 

    5) And so on.


    6) That's really cool. 

    BUT: It's not possible to download say, "1st violins, flute and trumpet" together, no? It has to be in the listed order? I.e. A01, A02, etc...?

  • thank you, fcw,

    my english isn´t as good as many years ago...    now I understand!

    That´s much better than I thought... can´t wait.

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    @Another User said:

    my english isn´t as good as many years ago...    now I understand

    Ich wuerde wetten dass es besser als mein Deutsch ist.

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    @Banquo said:

     Ok, I think I get it now.

    1) There are 54 packages

    2) you 'subscribe'  to one package a month [for example]

    3) For the first month you get Package A01

    4) The next month you, as well as keeping package A01, recieve package A02 for download. 

    5) And so on.


    6) That's really cool. 

    BUT: It's not possible to download say, "1st violins, flute and trumpet" together, no? It has to be in the listed order? I.e. A01, A02, etc...?

    Of course the one package a month option is pretty silly (if you don't add aditional packages each month) because with 54/56 packages it would take 4 years and 6/8 months to get the entire collection which I'm sure would be outdated by that time as VSL will probably have moved on to another product line.

  • well, i'd say the packages are configured in a well considered order to allow you doing *something* from the first package on.


    moving to the new product line (Vienna Instruments) was compelling from my point of view, because the samplers and further options for the (midi based) performance tool have reached a certain limit (especially if features should be the same for all platforms).

    eg. the opus bundle still allows good work to be done, but extending it to the functionality of say the special edition is not realistic.


    some of you have been not too enthusiastic to see a proprietary format arriving with the new prduct line, but this allows further development based on controllable conditions without dependencies on third party engines/samplers/features. means i'm pretty confident we will see the Vienna Instruments format at least as long as the formats for the *old* sample libraries.


    so time will tell if the 1 package subscription is useful for someone or not - imagine pupils or students who often have to be careful spending their money ....


    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Hi Christian,

    I apologize if my previous post insulted VSL.  I did not mean to make your 1 package a month subscription service seem like an unusable option.  I love all my VSL purchases and recommend them to all who ask me about sampling products! I completely agree with your comment on the VI interface.  It is so well designed, easy to use, and geared for composers who want beautiful playback without having to fool around with less intuitive 3rd party samplers that I can easily see how VI has a longevity to it.

    I'm foremost a composer rather than an engineer, and to me the SOUND is CRITICAL.  By today's standards VSL has some of the most sonicly compelling samples available (of course, only if you have a decent convolution reverb).  However, I do not for a moment think that VSL will still be releasing 44.1kHz/24-bit samples 5 years from now, regardless of the interface.  I can't image what computer technology is going to be like in 5 years, but the current restrictions in ram, processing, and disk streaming that limits your sample library resolution to 44.1kHz/24-bit I'm sure will not be a problem in the future.  If VSL hasn't upgraded the resolution of their library by then they will probably be well behind their competitors.  Furthermore, any person with ears that decides to purchase a 1 package a month subscription this year of 44.1kHz/24-bit samples will no doubt notice a dramatic difference in sound quality when compared to the newer libraries of 2012. I'm just trying to imagine what it would be like to still be excited about getting 44.1kHz/24-bit "Tuba Performance-Repetition" samples in 2012. 



  • no insult at all ... you're right, computer technology is evolving, sometimes incredibly fast.

    i remember some years ago there have been long discussions about the question if one can *hear* the difference between 16 and 24 bit and i often hear statements like *sampler A sounds better than sampler B*, even with identical source of data. so there is clearly more involved than bits and kHz ...

    currently it seems the efforts are mostly related to get all instruments into a single computer rather than to use farms, but who knows ... the next (at least fo me) logical step to 24/96 would increase data to more than twice the amount, maybe we don't care about it in a few years ...


    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • WHEN?! 

  • SOON!

  • What are those "Additional packages for € 9.50". I don't understand ... are they additional licenses of the downloaded packages ... ?

  • While subscribing you can buy additional packages at any point in time. For instance, you're getting 3 packages per month. After 3 monhts (you have already downloaded the packages A01 - A09) you decide to get 10 more packages at once, so you buy these (A10-A19). The following month you automatically continue with your subscription, getting the packages A20 - A22.

    Cheers, Martin

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    @herb said:

    I haven't any VSL libraries yet. I'm interested in buying the 17 first packages (strings). After that, maybe I'd like the rest, but I'm not sure. Is this possible?

    This should be possible .




    I too would like to do something like that. Only, in my case already own VI SE, VI Solo string and VI Orchestral strings and obviously the later pakages (the woods and the brass) is what i'm looking for. So unlike that lucky guy who need the first 17 (and might drop out the subscription after, saving money) I'll have to pay and download my monthly ratio of stuff I already own and paid for before (the first 24 packages, 228 ero) , until I reach the needed pakages. This "in order and no skipping" policy clearly advantage the one's that seeks the strings. That VI SE+ chopped and priced by chunk could have been a good opportunuity for VSL to offer their regular faithfull costumers a logical upgrade path.

    Ha well.

  • severe misunderstanding - if you have already licensed (!) the SE standard, than there is no advantage to add the SE standard subscription, because it is identical with SE standard.

    what you might be interested in to license is the SE standard plus - which adds content - either to SE standard *boxed* or SE standard subscription.


    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Yes,sure.  I have No plan on Downloading SE standard, I have the Box as mentionned.

    I'm reafering here to a partial downloading of SE PLUS. By also owning Vi Solo strings and Vi orchestral String the first 24 packages are samples I already have, isn't not?

    Herb was replying a question from a user potentially planning on downloading the strings then stopping his subscription. Paying, then, only for what he need. An opportunuity i cannot take advantage of since what i'll want (SE+ packages 25 to 56) come after paying and downloading the unsefull (for me at least) previous 24 SE+ packages.

    That's why, in my case, the "in order and no skipping" sadden me.

    Is that clearer?

  • understand - sorry, seems i've misread it ...


    there has already been an internal discussion if *instrument group packages* would make sense .... so we notice your request for the moment.


    i personally wouldn't find it very comfortable *as it is* because although purchasing the whole group, you will need to install the single packages seperately ... on the other hand it helps if one of the downloads is corrupted ....


    allow us some more time to think about it ... december seems to keep us too busy for such a decision.


    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Hi. This was talked about in an ealrier post, but I just wanted to clarify please:

    Can you 'cancel' your subscription at any time (or after a certain time), or are you comitted to buying ALL packages. eg. I subscribe for 3 a month, and after 3 months I want to stop. So I cancel the subcription and keep the 9 packages already downloaded?


  • basically a subscription is *paying by installments* and the respective agreement is not intended to be canceled before it ends.


    i personally cannot imagine VSL will sue you to fullfill the contract, but stopping a subscription is not the idea behind such a kind of purchase.


    however such an occurrance would shed the respective light on your reliability or honesty as customer (note: i did not word it user here)


    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • basically a subscription is *paying by installments* and the respective agreement is not intended to be canceled before it ends.

    Are you sure about that? A subscription to a magazine doesn't mean you have to take it for life. Anyway, if it is the case, I have no intention of cancelling out and 'shedding light on my reliability or honesty', I just want to know if it's an option. If not, fine.
