If you had a profile of the people who bought VSL most of them are probably hobbyists - initial outlay wasn't that much - if I was starting from scratch I would not have a huge problem with the current prices- the problem is all those who purchased the first edition are basically getting the same core samples back with a much cleverer playing tool the result being they can create what they want to create quicker now, except that their bank balance is very much depleted for that luxury.
Its a Cost - Benefit analysis and I'm sure in my case that I don't need the upgraded product to achieve the result.
Whats the conclusion? The new product is priced so as not to make it worthwhile for an experienced programmer to want to purchase it. A bad marketing stategy, maybe, maybe not. Can wait for 2 years time for when they do another major 'upgrade' and start flogging the current one cheaper.
Its a Cost - Benefit analysis and I'm sure in my case that I don't need the upgraded product to achieve the result.
Whats the conclusion? The new product is priced so as not to make it worthwhile for an experienced programmer to want to purchase it. A bad marketing stategy, maybe, maybe not. Can wait for 2 years time for when they do another major 'upgrade' and start flogging the current one cheaper.