the analogy with a car is far away from beeing perfect but to spin your objection further: since copying of software happens at almost no costs consequently the first specimen of a software should be paid and all following ones almost free (because only copies) .... obviously also not applying.
additionally the situation is different because we don't talk about software but copyrighted content - you can get a replacement for your ViennaInstruments or ViennaEnsemble software whenever you like.
as posted earlier: any alternate method like *touching a server* or actually *touching when inserted into a new computer* needs extensive considerations of pros and cons.
many music computers (if not most) are not connected to the internet, thats why i find the offline license download so useful.
the only occasion such a method could even work is when a license is beeing transferred or added, in case the dongle is kept offline you never have a chance to check.
and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.