Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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  • the analogy with a car is far away from beeing perfect but to spin your objection further: since copying of software happens at almost no costs consequently the first specimen of a software should be paid and all following ones almost free (because only copies) .... obviously also not applying.

    additionally the situation is different because we don't talk about software but copyrighted content - you can get a replacement for your ViennaInstruments or ViennaEnsemble software whenever you like.


    as posted earlier: any alternate method like *touching a server* or actually *touching when inserted into a new computer* needs extensive considerations of pros and cons.

    many music computers (if not most) are not connected to the internet, thats why i find the offline license download so useful.

    the only occasion such a method could even work is when a license is beeing transferred or added, in case the dongle is kept offline you never have a chance to check.





    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Hi I wonder if you could help me out wit an issue I've had with my Vienna key... I bought the Special edition, got it up and running and within a week my key has just stopped working, won't be detected at all. So I got hold of support and they asked me to send it to them and they'll take a look at it and if there's not huge damage, they'll send me a new one with my license on it. They also offered me in teh mean time a demo license (which I'd have to get a new key for) Will this demo license work with my already installed samples and software? I really don't want to have to go through the sh**ty process of organising my soundsets and installations again haha Do you know how it works?

  • Hello Rachmaninoff3,

    Yes, the demo license we send via support will work with your custom presets, no worries.



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Doug,

    I have lost the vienna key that allowed me to run the vienna ensemble pro on my master computer.

    How do I obtain a  new  one?


    james Ferguson

  • Doug,

    I have lost the vienna key of the VEP server on my master computer.  What is the process for  obtaining another on?



    James Ferguson

    Woodstock, GA, 30188

  • Hi James, 

    Please contact, my colleagues will guide you through.


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
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    Happy to say that Jim has found his key (but decided to inform us via email). ðŸ˜Š


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Forgive me if this has been answered already...

    I'm not worried about losing my key, I keep it in a safe place and if it gets stolen well then thats just sods law. I'm just worried about breaking it from inserting/re-inserting it whenever I use it - sometimes the red light doesn't light up when I insert it for instance and I have to try again). I'm glad we can return it and get a replacement by covering the postage costs.

    I bought a new key to cover me for 2 years, but I just think it's a waste to buy one every 2 years (economically and environmentally).

    If it breaks outside the 2 year warranty period can we pay for a new key and the P&P? Or are there license costs we have to pay in addition to this?


  • Hello PauloRego,

    This is the procedure for a broken key that is NOT covered by the 2 year hardware guarantee:

    In case a ViennaKey is damaged, users have to send it to our office in Vienna (American users: to the office of our distributor ILIO based in California) to enable us to take a look at the kind of the damage.

    If the damage on the ViennaKey shows signs of external force, he will of course have to pay for the new ViennaKey, PLUS a handling fee for the new licenses (EUR 20 per contained license, minimum fee EUR 30).  

    Just an idea: You can always keep old keys as a backup, or pass them on to friends or schools (to check out Steinberg/VSL Software with demo licenses). 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Hey Paul,

    Ahh ok thanks for clearing that up!


  • I live in England.  If I buy the Vienna Key direct from VSL, it costs 41 Euros including VAT and shipping. If I buy one from Time and Space in the UK it costs 20 GBP.  Will the key bought from Time and Space have the same TWO YEAR guarantee and terms as one purchased direct from VSL? (An official answer from VSL please).

    Currently, I have seven dongles registered with over 50 licences and those dongles are at least 7 or 8 years old.  I am worried at the HUGE expense I might incurr should one or more of them fail.  I will have to transfer all those licences from the seven keys to one new one as I am unwilling to pay 7 times 41 Euros (i.e. 287 Euros!) every two years...

  • Hello nicholash, 

    Yes, the ViennaKey will have a 2 years guarantee wherever you purchase it. Please keep the proof of purchase (your receipt). 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
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    @nicholash said:

    I live in England.  If I buy the Vienna Key... If I buy one from Time and Space in the UK it costs 20 GBP.

    Get a Steinberg Key from GAK. £18.25, including shipping.
