on several occasions (like eg. a fair) it has become common practice to secure various parts from beeing *displaced*, even if they are of a dimension which would make us assume it would be impossible to displace them ...
ideas and suggestions to make a license expire regulary or beeing dependant on *touching a server* should be considered very carefully and in their whole depth of pros and cons - i think it is much more critical to have a license stored on the computer or bound to a harddisk/network interface/ect than to a dongle. de-authorizing a license from a computer or harddisk which has died can easily become a mess and reveals finally the same problem as not beeing able to access a license on a key which is *offline*
it sound to me a little bit like spirit of the age is tending to make everybody else responsible for taking care on things/gear/ect except oneselves ...
let me add a counterexample here: i have a really expensive backup software for which the serial number has been lost somewhen and obviously nobody ever registered it at the vendor's website. not only that now i'm not able to upgrade it aslo i would need to purchase a new full version and i will never be able to transfer the license to another server - i would be really happy to have the license on a dongle to simply attach it to another machine ...
and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.