AHEM.... a friend has posted me this link at my request yes you guessed it (or did you?) it is the number 2 at microsoft, DISREGARDING the principle of dignity.
Check out how he says "Give it up for me"
and also notice the sweat under the arms kind of add's to things.
Now, I'm not badmouthing MS here (opinions aside), so please don't censor me moderators, this is simply a link to a clip that shows him at his keynote, unedited, HE is the star here, not anybody else and I ain't saying another word, because there are NO WORDS for this! oh and I can't help the filename not my doing.
http://users.pandora.be/bonte/forumafbeeldingen/dancemonkeyboy.mpgI am so happy he found the link, but then, it's so bad, I forgot how bad, and actually I feel terrible.
[[:|]] [:O]ops: [:'(]
That was enough to convert me forever, and I DO care who makes the tools I use, I don't want Robert Mugabe shoes, or Osama eye glasses. If you think my comparisons are extreme then look at the video behaviour, that's a whole other kind of extreme!