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    @Paul said:

    Situations like these are not comfortable, and luckily, they don't happen often (but they do appear with every kind of software protection). 

    I have to say that I have never had this kind of issues with the online protection implemented by Apple. I might have to log in again from time to time, but it's just a matter of entering my password.

    With times, things seem to have gone worse, since I never remember an issue with eMagic's Logic hardware key. I have used it for more years than I have the eLicenser, and i can't remember a single issue.

    Please note: I'm not against the hardware key. I am against the incredibly low quality management software. I can no longer believe in problems in my Macs, since there are so many users with problems identical to mine, on different systems. And it si not a rare evenience, since it happens to me each two-three times I run something protected by the eLicenser (be it a VSL software or Dorico).

    Maybe it is time to reconsider the provider of your protection solution.


  • It's a horrible... tool...
    I had to click OK a dozen times before having Synfire running.
    Please throw away the eLicenser.


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  • Finally I was able to load all of the VSL plugin in Komplete Kontrol after performing a Plugin Rescan (Preferences > Plug-ins > Rescan), except the Synchron Player (the Synchron Player Surround will work, tho)


  • With the last update of Synchron Player everything works fine in KK!

    Thank you,

  • Hi Roberto, 

    Thanks for the thumbs-up!


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Hi Paul! Thanks very much for your help on this.

    I'm also having the same "" problem with my eLicenser on my new MacBookPro 2020 running Catalina.

    I have three eLicensers, and they all work fine on my old computers which all run El Capitan (MBPro 2015, MBPro 2012 and Mini 2013).

    But when I take those same eLicensers out of my old Macs and plug them into my new MBPro 2020, all my eLicensers work sporadically (for Vienna Ensemble Pro 5 standalone) or not at all (for VEPro 5 Server 64-bit).

    I'm still hoping there's a workaround or patch so I can keep using VEPro 5.  Or do I have to upgrade to VEP 7?  Thanks in advance.  

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    Personally, I'd upgrade to VE Pro 7, VE Pro 5 was designed too long ago to work 100% efficiently with a new OS like Catalina.

    I can provide you with a beta version of the eLCC to see if the elicenser troubles improve... please contact us via if that's an option for you.


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Thanks so much Paul!  I will upgrade to Version 7 this weekend. And thanks for the offer of the beta eLCC -- is that more recent than the version I downloaded (I'm on the most recent version on the eLicenser site,

    Cheers and stay safe! Best, L. 

  • Hi L., 

    You're welcome.

    Yes, the beta version is a more recent version that we received from eLicenser directly to test under the circumstances you mentioned. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL