Since Synchron Strings are imho defenitly "worth" to be improved here are some of my suggestions what I think might improve the Synchron Strings.
- I fear one of the most important aspects to work on are the default settings, that means what a user hear, when just loading the Library without any individual tweaks or adjustments.
- why for instance does nearly all EQ's emphazise exclusivly the higher ranges, while supressing nearly always a good part of the original basis of the tone?
- why for instance should the first available legatotype be"soft" which might be nice for very slow tempos but does not sound that convincing in normal tempo especially compared to normal. Why forinstance is the "auto speed" not the default Legato making sure that withouit any tweaks the Legato would be the mostz appropriate for the certain tempo played?
- Why is Lyrical Vibrato the default setting, which agaion might be great for low dynamic and/or slow movement, while the regulare Vibrato seems to me in most other cases much nearer to what one might expect as kind of default sound.
- I know the first Volume is nothing but the first step of what will come and I also know that even if we are used to look for the whole range of different Articulationtypes VSL has ever provided and often do not expect that many Subtypes in Synchron strings are already integrated in the behavior of the existing Patches. Nerverthe less. I currently see the following "gaps" which might be wort to complete
- Of course con sordino, harmonics and sul pont should and will proably come in further Volumes.
- The Dynamics and Sfz and non legatlo patches are currently restricted on kind of extreme types, which for themself are great (the "supershort" are brrilliant!) but still dont cover the need of more moderated types
- non legato and Portato patches still seem to be usefull
- more sustained Sfz would be great
- the long cres. and decresc. are impressing for themself but in normal use types of different length and of course different shorter seem to me much more needed.
- I still love very much the realism and usability of the old pfp patches in different length, which currently could only be replaced by meticoulus CC Expression + Vel-Xfade Editing
- And Yes I would like to have another kind of more passionate Vibrato like we have even two more in the Appasionata strings. I do not miss the large section size, but those more intensive vibratos would be a great addition.
Just my humble opinion what I like to see worked on in future updates and/or further Releases.