Currently the multimicrophone setup, which makes Synchron-Series interesting for its detailed mixable real acoustic, makes it a bit tedious to change settings in the single VI- which just plays back one microphoneposition of an articulation. Yes I can put all microphone positions on the same midichannel and let them work parallel triggered by the same signal as far as I do not change any of the presetsettings in any of that single players.
When ever I would decide to change any player settings generally and not triggered by an midisignal for instance the general releastime, things will be multiplicated by the amount of microphone positions in use. I am (at least when working with the regular VI) forced to change every setting for every patch in every microphone position again. which seems to me very tedious and redundant in short not very userfriendly. I hope you already realised that problem and found an answer in the synchron-player to come.
So here is my question:
Will the Synchronplayer allow it to change any Playersetting likewise "synchron" for all microphonepositions in use?
If not this would be a feauture your software developer should definitly think about.