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  • Btw, did you already think about a "Mix Down" Feature for the Synchron Player?
    So you once choose your mix (from all positions als desired) then click the Mix-Down Button and "new" physical files are created with exactly this Mix.

    I assume this feature could be handled very similar to VI-Pros time stretch functionality, and would not only allow to safe some memory/CPU, but in addition also SSD Space (having 5 MIC positions on slow hard disk and only the "Mix-Down" position on SSD. 

    Anyhow this does not need to be a "day one" feature :)

  • Hello Paul

    SYNCHRON PERCUSSION when I can give you a discount? I want to buy

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    No discounts available for Synchron Percussion right now, sorry to say. Our Special Offers are changing on a regular basis, however, and our newsletter will keep you up to date.


    Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support
  • Hi Paul!

    SYNCHRON STRINGS I Legtos and leg-slur, you can do a LASS or APPASSIONATA STRINGS, DimensionStrings, all right? SYNCHRON STRINGS I Legtos and leg-slur are bad, unnatural. Can Syncrhon Player solve these problems???


    During his presentation Paul mentioned that VSL are already recording with the String Ensemble at Synchron Stage. I am sure that VSL will record "the best Portamento ever" after our requests.

    (They're always reading our requests; even if nobody answers.)

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    @gabriel81 said:

    Btw, did you already think about a "Mix Down" Feature for the Synchron Player?
    So you once choose your mix (from all positions als desired) then click the Mix-Down Button and "new" physical files are created with exactly this Mix.

    I assume this feature could be handled very similar to VI-Pros time stretch functionality, and would not only allow to safe some memory/CPU, but in addition also SSD Space (having 5 MIC positions on slow hard disk and only the "Mix-Down" position on SSD. 

    Anyhow this does not need to be a "day one" feature 😊

    I do not really understand what you are talking about. Did you think about rendering single tracks in order to unload their samples ? OK that is nothing new It was the First Idea which came up to handle large orchestraprojects in times of 32bit-System RAM limitations (not more than 3GB). But this you can always easily do in your Sequencer . If it is about the ready programmed track how should that be a feature of the player.

    If you are thinking just about cleaning all samples loaded which your ready programmed track do not need. I think there are already now some options to purge those unused samples from the RAM.

    If  you do not think of rendering individual tracks in larger projects or ubloading unused samples from RAM, but really want that just the available patches should be mixed in one complete sampleset with all patches in your individual mix (like the roommix) than it seems to me as if you ask them to give the option to render for each new imdividual mix your own completly new sampleset This would perhaps safe RAM but it will multiply your need for storage resources.

    You know that the first still not completed Parts of the Synchronseries took together already more than one TB Each time you would produce another individual mix it seems to me as if you should be able to provide additional over 100 GB Storage capacity. (and this would not be less if all parts of the Synchronseris will be on the market) If I understood you right and this would be your Idea, I fear the dimensions of the currently available SSD will limit the usability of such a "feature" to much to be realy useful. And however to render the complet patchlist in your individual mix would also not be anything you can do "on the fly" it will take its time and will do so again each time you decide to change your individual mix again.

  • You almost got it with "render individual patch mixdowns"

    For the violins in Standard version:

    I need ~70 GB of storage for 5 (in reality 4) Mic Positions. This means 1 Mic Position has around 15 GB.

    If i now make my own "Mixdown" exactly as I want it I will require additional 15 GB of storage space (as you wrote)

    However what I could do now is to put the original 70GB ona a slow and cheap harddrive and only take my personal mixdown on my SDD.

    This might not be the perfect way to go if you want to alter the mix in every track you do, but as my approch is "make it nice once and then use it forever" it would grant me 55GB for 5 Instruments --> 250 GB overall SDD space

  • Hi Paul!

    Synchron-1st- violins_library_update_2018-02-07, what is updated??? thank you

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    @gabriel81 said:

    You almost got it with "render individual patch mixdowns"

    For the violins in Standard version:

    I need ~70 GB of storage for 5 (in reality 4) Mic Positions. This means 1 Mic Position has around 15 GB.

    If i now make my own "Mixdown" exactly as I want it I will require additional 15 GB of storage space (as you wrote)

    However what I could do now is to put the original 70GB ona a slow and cheap harddrive and only take my personal mixdown on my SDD.

    This might not be the perfect way to go if you want to alter the mix in every track you do, but as my approch is "make it nice once and then use it forever" it would grant me 55GB for 5 Instruments --> 250 GB overall SDD space

    I second that.

    Like timestrech in the "old" vipro, there should be a render button, which freezes the mic positions to your current setup. Disk space is much more cheaper than RAM

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    @gabriel81 said:

    You almost got it with "render individual patch mixdowns"

    For the violins in Standard version:

    I need ~70 GB of storage for 5 (in reality 4) Mic Positions. This means 1 Mic Position has around 15 GB.

    If i now make my own "Mixdown" exactly as I want it I will require additional 15 GB of storage space (as you wrote)

    However what I could do now is to put the original 70GB ona a slow and cheap harddrive and only take my personal mixdown on my SDD.

    This might not be the perfect way to go if you want to alter the mix in every track you do, but as my approch is "make it nice once and then use it forever" it would grant me 55GB for 5 Instruments --> 250 GB overall SDD space

    I just want to remind you that even if you use only the reduced Standard version, Synchron Strings I ar not at all complete and the Legatopatches from three of five Instrumentsections belong to the most storage intensive patches.

    And of course if VSL would provide any function like that they are forced to think how realistic it would be to use for the whole and whole Full Series and the fact, that the first parts of the Percussion and the still incomplete first part of the Strings are in Full version already nearly one TB (what means afaik nearly a half TB in Standard version) does not raise imho much hope that there will be any function which let you render the whole set of ptaches in your own mix. To me that seem to be a very time and storage intensiv tedious and clumsy  solution, I suppose a reasonable use of the other RAM-saving features will allow you to keep and tweak your personal mix in a much smarter and more flexible way.

  • Hi Fahl,

    I don't think I get your point.

    With Full version the math would be even better

    I don't know how big full is so I am guessing here a little

    For one Instrument (Violin 1) You have 8 MIC Positions á 15 GB --> 120 GB

    You either store these 120 GB on an expensive SSD, or - What my recommendation would be - Store these 120 GB on an inexpensive Storage and only use your "Mix Down Position" (15 GB) on the Fast Storage.

    Multiplying this by 5 (Assuming all instruments with full legato patches have comparable storage requirements) would mean

    120 GBx5 =
    600 GB SDD or 600 GB Slow Disk + 75 GB SDD

    So there is a HUGE financial benefit there, by still having full flexibility (On the cost of preparation work, moving samples, ...) - with secondary effects of requiring less Memory and CPU.


    And you could even make it better by removing the now obsolete Mix-Down Position , which would bring you down to 525 GB Slow Disk and 75GB SDD (enven though I am not shure if I want to go this way ...)


  • Hi Gabriel,

    OK my first point is that you can not calculate now, what Straoge would be needed whlie VSL is just starting to publish the first (incomplete) parts of a series which would be still considerable larger.

    This does not only apply to the fact how much extra starage place you need for your personal mix(es!). with every further TB the time increases to produce your personal sampleset. And this again reduces it changability and therfore also its flexibility in short it's usability.

    Another point would be that your Idaes abot producing downmixed personal Patchsets might eventually create complicated situation fior the licensing.

    So my guess care for a good portion of RAM or/and perhaps another Slave save your own templates and mixes in personal lpresets and keep them always tweak and changable.

  • They manage the licensing part with Time Stretch already, And completely independent how big one Mic Position in the final version will be, (Let's assume it is X GB), I would prefer to store 5*X GB on Slow Drive and 1*X GB on SSD, and still would like to get this feature implemented (with low priority). And yes, there will be some tinkering, but for me as amateur I prefer tinkerinv over HW investment :)

    So let's agree to disagree here

  • I understand, that you wish it would be possible to reduce  the amount of needed RAM + SSD Storagecapacity that way. It is not up to us to decide or evn judge what is realistic and possible. Yes sometimes VSL realise what users wish to have.  All I want to indicate: be prepared that not everything imaginable will be done "soon".

  • IMHO SSD storage isn't the bottleneck here.

    Storage is cheap and can be upgraded any time (cheap compared to RAM). Maybe you run out of SATA ports.

    The RAM is the problem.

    I like to have all my (orchestral) instruments with all articulations in one project, playable, without freezing or disabling tracks.

    With timestretching (inside VIPro) the technology is already available and if it takes 1 hour to resample and 100GB of disk space doesn't matter that much. Since you only do it, if you'll be pleased with your mix.

    But the size of the required RAM will shrink to 1/4 (SY std*.) or 1/7 (SY full) of the initial value.

    *3 stereo mic positions and 2 mono mic position resampled to 1 stereo mic position.

    ....ok VEPro sales might decrease...

  • Beside the usage of SSD and a good Preload size which are both very efficient,, you can increase your available amount of RAM with using Slave-PC's VE is great for that. and you can keep all loaded and tweakable. I still fear it will not be very easy for you to convince the VSL Developers with your "mixdown your personal mixed sampleset"-function. . But who knows....

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    Hi Paul,

    How do you do this please ? I am starting my own preset from scratch and just have a grey background with swirly lines. I can't see anywhere to load an image into Synchron Player ?



    @Paul said:

    Hi David, 

    The background color is actually depnding on a picture you can load... without a bacground picture, the "naked" player is grey. 


  • Hi, 

    Load any preset (best: the one that comes with the right mixer presets) and right-click in the empty field in the Dimension Tree (the "Root Sloot"), then choose "Reset Instrument". 

    That will leave the background picture and you can build from scratch. 


    Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support
  • Thanks for the reply Paul.

    I misunderstood, I thought you meant a new background picture could be loaded (which would be cool, but it's not necessary !).

    Have a good Sunday.

    Best wishes,
