As far as I understand, the mixer in VI does apply currently only for the certain cell where you layer patches with slots.
Since you presumably want to use several different cells with different articulations and each one likewise with multiple slots for all used microphonepositions, this would be even much more tedious, since you would have to do your microphone-mix for each cell in your player seperat. for the Synchronseries Violin 1 Preset this would mean doing exactly the same mix 192 times for each of the 48 Cells in each of the 4 Matrices. - Sorry thats even much worser.
VI is great to go in and tweak Details. What is needed are possibilities to integrate, what means, to do Player settings and Mixes intended for a certain entity (Instrument or Section) that apply on all parts of one musical entity without the necessity to repeat settings or mixes which are musically inteded for the same thing and technically only apply to parts and details of the whole let it be the set of different articulations which makes a certain Instrument or section, or the different microphonepositions from which that instrument or section was recorded.
In so far I do like the Concept of the Synchonpercussion VePro-Projekt, where based on a complex Bus-Structure you can finally even cotrole the mix of the seven different available microphonepositions globally for all Instruments.
That's the spirit: keep together what belongs together ๐
So please care for the best possible integration of settings and mixes to avoid as much avoidabkle repetition for the User. Again this is what I ask for siince it is necessary.