regarding to half-size sections:
I don't use the LASS, but I can say one thing for sure.
Since I have all existing String Libraries I agree abselutely with Herb who says that such a huge String-section like the Appasionatas can not easyly be replaced by combinations of several strings. Before I bought them I thougt he was wrong.
I created big String-Sections by combining the Chamber Strings or Orchestral Strings with dimension Strings and used a lot of detuning and so on ... But when I played the Appaionatas as a demo I found out in the end it is not the same "thick sound" of the Appasionatas.
To have all existing Strings is a real pleasure! And what ever is coming with SS-Strings ... it will surely a great addition to what is existing, but no replacement or gamechanger. At least everything what can be good already exists.