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  •  No ideas, huh?  Sigh... dang, I was really looking forward to getting my new DAW all set up this weekend, too.

    Samuel, if I figure anything out, I'll let you know.  Maybe you can do the same, huh?  It's certainly frustrating not being able to get your software to work properly.

  • I finally got VI recognizing my libraries (well, at least the three instruments I was testing with - I presume the rest will be no problem either).  I ended up completely reformatting my primary disk and reinstalling Windows 7 from scratch (before I had just re-installed on top of the previous installation).  After that, I installed the eLicenser software and VI, and it worked!  I added my audio card drivers and USB keyboard, and it's still doing fine.  As to why only a reformatting and reinstall worked... I can't even begin to guess.  I'm going to begin re-adding components and getting the entire system updated. 

    Samuel, I know it's a pretty crappy suggestion, but you may wish to try a complete reformat and reinstall of Windows as well.  I'd recommend installing ONLY what's needed to get the Vienna software working, and then update your system one piece at a time, verifying Vienna is still working after each step - that's exactly what I'm doing right now.  It's worth a shot if nothing else is working.  I wish you the best of luck getting things working again.

  • Hm Thank you! I will wait a bit for another possibility. It would be really complicated to reinstall my Mac OS ... So I will see. But thank you.

  • Hi,

    I am having the exact same problem. Windows 7 64bit, library authorized but not recognized by the instrument. I am REALLY reluctant to re-install the system because I have tons of other libraries installed and it would be a real nightmare to re-do everything.

    Any ideas?


  • Hi Andrea,

    Believe me, I understand what a nightmare a re-install might be, especially if you're not even sure it will fix the problem.  I was in an easier position, because this was a brand new machine, so wiping the OS and starting over wasn't a big deal.  I would have to spend an entire weekend building my DAW regardless.  Was your machine working until recently?  Did anything significant change (new hardware or software)?

    One possible idea: you might try imaging your system drive (essentially, make a backup copy of it, and store it on an alternate drive or on a network location).  Then, you can try formatting and re-installing the OS along with only VI and the eLicenser software to see if that even works.  You'll need some 3rd party software to do this.  Maybe someone here could recommend a brand, as I haven't done this myself.

    Another possibility: I have my suspicions that somehow the C++ run-time libraries that are required for either Vienna or the eLicenser software became corrupted somehow.  When I installed Sonar the first time, there was a run-time error during the installation process of these libraries.  Afterwards, no matter how many times I uninstalled and re-installed the VI and eLicenser software, nothing worked.  One thing I didn't try, however, was to uninstall those libraries and re-install the software (which presumably would re-install those if required).  I'm a little hesitant to recommend this course of action, because I haven't tried it myself, and this is just speculation.  Also, I have no idea what else are relying on those runtime libraries. So, I'd recommend imaging the system before doing this as well. 

    I'm not sure what else I could recommend.  Vienna folks, it would be nice if VI came with some sort of diagnostic mode, or a separate little diagnostic app.  That way, if something is going wrong, at least there's some sort of error log your programmers could look at.  At the moment, the program just appears to fail silently instead of giving any sort of useful feedback.

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    @pejobass_7648 said:


    I am having the exact same problem. Windows 7 64bit, library authorized but not recognized by the instrument. I am REALLY reluctant to re-install the system because I have tons of other libraries installed and it would be a real nightmare to re-do everything.

    Any ideas?


    Hello again

    Befor you are going to reinstall the whole system re install the Vienna-Instrument once more (After uninstalling it). I don't mean the library itself by the way - just the VI.

    Make also sure, that you have the two Vienna_Instrument.dlls in the correct folders.

    C:\Programs/..../VSTPlugIns/...  The 64Bit version

    C:\Programs(86)/.../VSTPlugIns/... The 32Bit version


    The installation puts sometimes both of them in the same folder.

    Befor  starting one of the VIs you should start the Library-Manger first.

    I'm not a VSL specialist.

    But the VI has to know, where it can find all the Libraries.

    If you delete  the VI and reinstall it the new one has to get these places again.

    I hope, that you can generate a new "where-are-the-libraries-file" with such a new installation of the VI.

    Nevertheless: I think it's a case for the VSL service department.

    Good luck


    - Tips & Tricks while using Samples of VSL.. see at: - Tutorial "Mixing an Orchestra":
  • This looks to be related to a permissions problem in Windows 7 and having a very old VI version installed, then upgrading to the newer versions.

    Please try:

    1. Do a search for every vsldirs1.ini file on your system drive.
    2. Delete all found vsldirs1.ini files
    3. Re-run directory manager and assign content.
    4. Start VI/VEP. Content should now be visible.

    Please report back your findings.


  • Hi-

    i'm havong the same problem...but i seem to have no vsldirs1.ini files...any other suggestions?

    Vista 64bit

    Intel Quad-core


  • Hi n.ten

    Those Files are produced by the "VSL Library Manager".

    So if you don't have such an ini-file try to use the Library Manger once more.

    Here is also Video how to do it:

    Maybe that helps

    Good luck.

    Beat Kaufmann

    - Tips & Tricks while using Samples of VSL.. see at: - Tutorial "Mixing an Orchestra":
  • Thanks for getting back BUT - followed the steps as in the video - no results...uninstalled VSLthen  re-installed from a clean download...still no results...

  • If you have run any version of directory manager, you will have a vsldirs.ini file. Perhaps you have these files hidden in explorer?

    You can also try searching through the registry (Start>Run>Regedit) for any occurrence of "vsldirs1". Delete all registry entries with this name. Then restart directory manager and assign your content. When you have done this, reboot (or kill the vsldaemon process), then start your VSL product again.

  • Hi-

    I found a vsldirs1 file in regedit and deleted it. I Then ran Directory Manager/restarted etc. Still no results....any other ideas? ALSO I'm considering installing Windows 7 in the hopes that that will be better. If I do, should I install from my old XP VSL discs or just download the newer versions?


  • Regarding Windows 7, you should definitely NOT install the old versions of VI, as apparently the way those .ini files are stored is incompatible with Vista/Windows 7, and is what's causing all these issues.  Just download and install the latest VI software, and then use the library installer installed on your hard drive to install the libraries from the DVDs, and then apply any library patches after that.  That's worked well for me.

  • Hi-

    I re-formatted-clean installed Windows 7- then downloaded VI and re-installed the Library using Library Installer...set up Directory Manager

    and IT STILL DOESN'T SEE the library. I found a vsldir file in regedit- it is set to no value...HELP!

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    @n.ten_27860 said:


    I re-formatted-clean installed Windows 7- then downloaded VI and re-installed the Library using Library Installer...set up Directory Manager

    and IT STILL DOESN'T SEE the library. I found a vsldir file in regedit- it is set to no value...HELP!

    I'm really wondering what could be wrong here. Perhaps I can do a remote session to your computer and have a look? Please contact me at to pick a time.


  • I just moved from XP to Windows 7 64bit with a Quad Core 8Gigs RAM, specifically to be able to use multiple instances of Vienna Instruments on Sonar 8.5 (along with the rather monstrous usage eater, Kontakt 3).  I had the exact same problem:  libraries recognized, nothing being seen by the SW.  I wrote to VSL tech support and got nice notes back saying try this and this and this.  I wasn't about to reinstall 7 at this point. I uninstalled and reinstalled the updated VI software, reram Directory Manager, etc., but nothing.  But then I got this note from VSL's Paul Steinbauer:

    Hi Bob,
    >then please restart your computer, then do a search for "vsldirs1.ini" and delete all these files, please.
    >This should make it work.
    >Best regards,
    >Paul Steinbauer

    That worked. I did a full search for vsldirs1.ini. There were three (!!!) in various places. I deleted them all, reran the Directory Manager, and lo and behold there were my presets, matrices, etc. etc. I was starting to be afraid that I was never going to get VI to work again. Which would have pretty much p'd me off. But I'm a fan again...

    Bob W

  • I am having similar issue but it is exclusively on the Mac platform. I manage a college lab and have put our Vienna Symphonic cube on a moderate Mac running 10.5.6. The elicense app says all is good and displays the complete authorization for the package. Software and samples were all installed as the lab admins. The Stand alone player will only show the library when it is run from this lab admin user account.

    If I log in as a student there is no library. While still logged in as student I run directory manager for VSL and the library is displayed yet still not in the stand alone player.

    perplexed ... any Ideas?