Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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    @DG said:

     Ah, no-cost. Well that's a different ball game.

    Have you tried using a few instances of VE rather than multiple instances of VI?


    no-cost AND one-touch, and one instance.

    don´t you think my suggestion would improve vi (for use of the organ, and not affecting other libraries at all)?

    vsl wisely thought of a parallel cell, say for adding some staccato attack to other patches, although this could easily be done with an additional instance of vi, too. a very similar thing i suggest here, that´s all.

    using ve would probably slightly improve or de-complicate my arrange window in logic, but unfortunately logic crashes instantely when i try to instanciate.

    thanks for trying to help, DG, and i expressely do not talk to you when i wonder why some people use this forum as a debating club rather than a forum. 

    i am only trying to improve the vi interface to the best of all users. vi (and konzerthaus organ) is great, but still can be improved, and i think this is an important part of what this forum is for. other users of konzerthaus organ seem to share my wishes, and i can see no reason why they should be attacked and insulted for that, or for not knowing that there could be some workaround or the other. 

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    @clemenshaas said:

    vsl changed your sacred user interface drom bösendorfer imperial to vienna imperial

    please consider:

    a) an organ is not a piano (i.e. there are more than 3 pedals beside the keyboard to manipulate sound)

    b) vienna imperial has a dedicated streaming engine *)and some more additional functions, so creating a dedicated GUI was more or less necessary.


    *) the VI engine would not have been capable seriously handling 100 velocities across 96 keys


    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
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    @clemenshaas said:

    vsl changed your sacred user interface drom bösendorfer imperial to vienna imperial

    please consider:

    a) an organ is not a piano (i.e. there are more than 3 pedals beside the keyboard to manipulate sound)

    b) vienna imperial has a dedicated streaming engine *)and some more additional functions, so creating a dedicated GUI was more or less necessary.

    *) the VI engine would not have been capable seriously handling 100 velocities across 96 keys


    i was always wondering how those guys from steinway managed to put all those pipes into my little grand... 

    joking aside, i did not intend to ask you to put the organ samples into the imperial interface.

    what i meant is: different needs (instruments) may require different GUIs. so we speak with one voice in this point. (a rose is a rose is a rose, but an organ is not a piano, not a violin, not an oboe)

  •  i understood - it was just to have the point of *GUI design different from bösendorfer to Imperial* covered ...

    of course to have a dedicated organ GUI would be very nice, but i fear this would also require a dedicated engine, in other words it wouldn't be possible to put just a new *skin* over the VI/VE engine ... (same goes with percussions IMO)


    well, at least our developers know what to do 2015 in case until then they're bored to death ... ;-)


    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Not your day, is it Clemens?

    It doesn't look like you'll get your dedicated Konzerthaus interface and you can't run the Imperial on your G5. Go for third time lucky and ask them when the Super Symphonic Summer Sale is scheduled to begin. Seems like such a long time since the last one. [:D]


  • christian, i do not think it would be necessary to build a totally new organ interface from scratch. maybe you also read my suggestions i posted earlier. the implementation of my so-called "force-all-matrix-cells-to-parallel-cells-checkbox" and enabling/disabling of individual cells via midi controller would absolutely do the job.

    i really don´t need any fancy skins or graphical representations of "zugriegel". i just would like to have more intuitive access to the stops.

    or did you mean that the current vi is not capable of playing more than - say for example - 100 streams (10 sounding keys/pedals multiplied by 10 stops) simultaneously? then this is a different "game of ball" (quoting DG).

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    @ct1961 said:

    Not your day, is it Clemens?

    It doesn't look like you'll get your dedicated Konzerthaus interface and you can't run the Imperial on your G5. Go for third time lucky and ask them when the Super Symphonic Summer Sale is scheduled to begin. Seems like such a long time since the last one.


    it is never my day...

    seems like i have to buy a ****ing pc. 

  • .

  • thanks for the lesson in etymology, william. may i introduce myself: clemens. (the artist formerly known as "this person" or "this guy").

    i always thought "forum" was a latin (roman) word and not a greek, but as this is not the etymology-thread...

    i would prefer talking quietly about issues of the konzerthaus organ (and come to some sort of conclusion) than arguing around, even if the greek (or the romans) had fun with it in he forum romanum (or the forum graecum). i apologize for my lack of historical tradition. 

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    @clemenshaas said:

    did you mean that the current vi is not capable of playing more than - say for example - 100 streams
    this is more (if not at all) a question of polyphony rather than data streams - as everywhere more polyphony means more CPU load, and especially a piano can stress polyphony a lot (say runs over the full range with sustain and/or release samples on).


    if i'm not wrong the default polyphony in VI is 64 but can be set up to 256 (be aware this setting would need a more reliable machine than the default value) - i can imagine playing an organ with 100 streams can be done on any average system.


    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • .

  • christian, sorry if i insist.

    from what you say, it seems polyphony or data streams are not a bottleneck.

    as i´m not a programmer, i have no idea how deep into the code vsl had to go to implement my suggestions. but as it is "just" a little checkbox and muting of cells, i hope it would be a piece of cake. 

    a small step for vsl, but a giant heap for organists.

  • you're welcome, clemens!

    though i sometimes ask our developers for changes please understand they have a very strict roadmap speaking about the wishlist vs. the available time.

    especially now, having VE PRO and MIR on the current schedule, is not the best moment to add something to the features list, actually some desirable options have to be postponed now and then.


    i personally think your idea is interesting - though not 100% clear to me - and i promise to discuss them in a private moment.

    what i can say for sure is that even adding tiny elements to a GUI is often tricky and though maybe not a big deal (programatically) sometimes a pile of work counting out pixels and not canibalizing the other elements.


    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • christian, that´s all i ask for. i´m aware that your programmers don´t sit around bored waiting for some nerd´s freakish wishes.

    when you feel the time has come to knock on the developers´ door, please feel free to contact me again, i´m sure i´ll make my idea 100% clear to you in no time.

    thanks, clemens

  • Bach was a sticker for new technology and might have wanted an organ featuring velocity if it was possible (of course it would have to be well tempered, too). This is the one thing I really miss about Konzerthaus Organ: The dynamic range (DYN.R.) parameter of the patches can not be altered from 0 to something else, preventing me from adding MIDI note-on velocity to the sound. That's what I want much more than a GUI.

  • It's been a while since this thread came up, so I was wondering if any plans have been made for the development of perhaps a dedicated engine and user interface for the Konzerthaus organ.

    And by the way, has VSL ever considered licensing such a dedicated engine to third party developers?

  • Pleased to see that some are ringing bells...

    Even this following user interfaces would make VSL Konzerthaus organ user very very pleased !

    But, we all know that VSL team will create a much more interesting UI.

    Eager to see that...

  • I agree with this - I was totally offbase before with my obnoxious contradictions - sorry about that!!  

    The reason it would be good to have a unique interface for the organ is because it is such a well done sampling of this great organ, and if VSL was not sampling all those other instruments - if they had done only an organ - they would obviously have created a custom organ interface.  The organ is completely different from the other instruments and should have its own interface as much as the piano. 

  • Yes the sampling is so GREAT...

    Just being able to use one Track for one Division

    Turning Stops on/off with Key Switch, (into a division)

    Organ keyboard has not more than 61 notes... (128-61= 67) ???

    Implement a way to manage Coupler...

    So, I suppose that you all has much better ideas...

  • I think of buying the Konzerthaus Organ, but the only way it might be useful for me would be to play live. Is it playable? I have Korg NanoKontrol (very interesting and cheap piece of hardware) that can send Control Change Midi messages. Can KO be configured in such a way I could press a button (send say CC 01 127 and activate one of the stops?