@clemenshaas said:
DG, i mentioned long ago and more than just once that everything is possible with konzerthaus organ just the way it is right now. i get along with it, it works, and i am happy with the sound. i just would be even happier if i could set the stops more intuitively and faster. one relatively easy way could be to implement the option in vi to play all matrix cells parallel and to be able to "mute" single cells. this way one could load all stops for a manual (save that as a preset) and then "deactivate" (mute) the cells with the stops that are not desired. (add the possibility to assign midi controllers to muting cells - just the same way one assigns controllers to any other function in vi - and anybody who likes can use zugriegel-controllers or whatever).i do not think such an option would disturb the philosophy of vi, and nobody who would not need this option would be urged to use it.
The way to do all this is to spend some time setting up your patches and combination of patches with multiple versions. This way, not only could you pull out individual stops (by keyswitch) you could also pull out multiple stops by a single keyswitch, much as you do on a real organ. All you need to do is set up multiple versions of each patch across multiple instruments in one VE. This is how (with the Orchestral Instruments) I get velocity xFade on and off on a patch by patch basis, and never have to worry about the switch.
Obviously this could get very complicated, but once set up, it is all "under the hood". In fact, an even better way to do this would be to get a Lemur and then all you have to do is either select patches or multis from the interface. One touch. Can't get simpler than that. Of course you would have to spend some time setting it up, but it would be the nearest thing you could get to live playing.