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  • Hmmmmm I have to admit I am a bit perplexed by this announcement. I do think the PowerPanner looks truly innovative, especially if the pre-sets are pre-configured for each section of the orchestra. BUT ... apart from the PowerPanner, I don't understand why a) people think a bunch of plug-in EQs and Compressors is innovative, and b) why VSL are spending development time on these. Back in the spring I did make a post requesting that PowerPanner from VE was incorporated in VI, but the answer was to use the capabilities of Cubase or buy Waves S1. Perhaps the answers are; - VSL are developing these as component parts of MIR anyway, and since they are ready to can be released as a separate package to create a new revenue stream. - Maybe they are optimised for the VSL samples. I would be very interested in buying the PowerPanner separately, but the overall package looks expensive to me. Sorry not to be a bit more positive. I am a big customer of VSL, (having spent thousands of pounds over the years) to acquire various horizon packages , the full cube, chamber II, appassionata II and several downloads ... so I'm not a tight fisted individual, so I don't feel I am being impertinent to question this release. (Looking forward to a big band library ;) What makese these EQs and compressors special?

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    @drew buchan said:

    What makese these EQs and compressors special?



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    @drew buchan said:

    why VSL are spending development time on these

    I think they're giving Dietz something to do other than twiddle his thumbs waiting for computer power to catch up with MIR's demands... [;)]


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    @drew buchan said:

    Hmmmmm I have to admit I am a bit perplexed by this announcement. I do think the PowerPanner looks truly innovative, especially if the pre-sets are pre-configured for each section of the orchestra. BUT ... apart from the PowerPanner, I don't understand why a) people think a bunch of plug-in EQs and Compressors is innovative, and b) why VSL are spending development time on these. Back in the spring I did make a post requesting that PowerPanner from VE was incorporated in VI, but the answer was to use the capabilities of Cubase or buy Waves S1. Perhaps the answers are; - VSL are developing these as component parts of MIR anyway, and since they are ready to can be released as a separate package to create a new revenue stream. - Maybe they are optimised for the VSL samples. I would be very interested in buying the PowerPanner separately, but the overall package looks expensive to me. Sorry not to be a bit more positive. I am a big customer of VSL, (having spent thousands of pounds over the years) to acquire various horizon packages , the full cube, chamber II, appassionata II and several downloads ... so I'm not a tight fisted individual, so I don't feel I am being impertinent to question this release. (Looking forward to a big band library 😉 What makese these EQs and compressors special?


    I too would find it hard to drop this amount on eq's and compressors. Like most people on here, I have already spent alot of money on these type of products with things like the UAD Neve plugins, TC powercore etc. 

    However what would definitly interest me is the power panner, I think it would be a good idea to sell the lot for say 375 euro or the option to purchase each individually for 70 euro. I think you would find alot of people willing to purchase the power panner who don't need the other components. I know it is more work on the download side of things but I really feel it would pay off in the long run.

    Just my 2 cents! Still love all VSL products, keep up the good work.


  • My concern with this is around more use of the syncrosoft key. The time taken to scan for licences is pretty dire and now there are even more licences for plugins - perhaps the VSL team can have a focussed effort on trying to fix this.

    Recently I've been using the new Symphobia library and Omnisphere product and have greatly welcomed the challenge/response method of security - its' far far quicker and doesn't impede workflow.

    Perhaps VSL could offer a Cube licence that is checked first before individual ones and compares it with the content you are trying to load as specified in the Directory Manager.

    Just my two penny's.


  • Hi Tim,

    are you sure that scanning takes so much time?

    It takes just a few seconds for my 6 extended libreries

    I think you are musunderstading the time for loading Vienna samples with the time for dongle scanning.

    I hate the challenge response because everytime I change something in my PC (and they are really many) I have to write and wait for a code

    even if I save the things.

    Maybe one day my vienna-key could be broken or lost and I could change idea...

    but until that day I prefer so much to have the opportunity to use it wherever I want.

    I work on 4 computers in different buildings and is a fine thing to have Vienna on them all and use it when I need it.

    I am half a computer programmer and half a musician.

    When I worked for a software-house we did never have a problem with dongles we have sold to protect our works.


  • Hi All,

    These plug-ins look really exciting and the price is very reasonable considering all that is being offered in the Vienna Suite.  However, I'd like to know what are the specific performance advantages of a 64-bit plug-in over a 32-bit plug-in for things like EQ, Compression, Spacialization, etc?  Also, does a performance advantage translate into a sonic advantage as well?  In other words, can you hear the difference between the 64-bit and 32-bit versions of the same EQ plug-in as an example?

    Thanks, Brian

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    @Brian said:

    Hi All,

    These plug-ins look really exciting and the price is very reasonable considering all that is being offered in the Vienna Suite.  However, I'd like to know what are the specific performance advantages of a 64-bit plug-in over a 32-bit plug-in for things like EQ, Compression, Spacialization, etc?  Also, does a performance advantage translate into a sonic advantage as well?  In other words, can you hear the difference between the 64-bit and 32-bit versions of the same EQ plug-in as an example?

    Thanks, Brian

    There are about 6 questions here. 64bit can refer to many things, but the most important of these (IMO) is that you will be able to load it in a 64bit host such as VE.

    As far as using 64bit audio processing, this has, as yet, to show any advantage, other than theoretical. I would imagine that these plugs are able to use a 64bit audio engine, simply because some sequencer developers seem to think that it is important.


  • Thanks DG.

    A question for the VSL Team.

    Will a Vienna Suite user be able to use Vienna Suite plug-ins on both the Slave and Host machines at the same time?

    I'm imagining a scenerio where I would want to use many instances of the EQ and Stereo Imaging plug-ins inside VE on the slave machine and also use the Dynamics and Master EQ plug-ins at the same time on the buses and main outputs of my DAW on the Host machine.

    Hope that makes sense.

    Thanks, Brian

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    @Brian said:

    Thanks DG.

    A question for the VSL Team.

    Will a Vienna Suite user be able to use Vienna Suite plug-ins on both the Slave and Host machines at the same time?

    I'm imagining a scenerio where I would want to use many instances of the EQ and Stereo Imaging plug-ins inside VE on the slave machine and also use the Dynamics and Master EQ plug-ins at the same time on the buses and main outputs of my DAW on the Host machine.

    Hope that makes sense.

    Thanks, Brian

    I'm not the VSL team, but I can answer that. Herb has said that there are three licences per purchase, much the same as with VE3.


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    @Brian said:

    Also, does a performance advantage translate into a sonic advantage as well?  In other words, can you hear the difference between the 64-bit and 32-bit versions of the same EQ plug-in as an example?

    For an equalizer, using 64-bit math is absolutely essential. There is a big difference, especially in bass frequencies. 32-bit floating point simply does not offer enough resolution to appropriately calculate filter coefficients accurately, something which is even more apparent at higher samplerates. So to answer your question, yes - you can hear a difference!

    Regarding 64 vs 32 in general, as DG pointed out earlier - there is a difference between 64-bit resolution and 64-bit architecture. Vienna Suite plugins still use 64-bit processing in the 32-bit versions.

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    @MS said:

    For an equalizer, using 64-bit math is absolutely essential. There is a big difference, especially in bass frequencies. 32-bit floating point simply does not offer enough resolution to appropriately calculate filter coefficients accurately, something which is even more apparent at higher samplerates. So to answer your question, yes - you can hear a difference!

    Interesting. I'd always been told that using 64bit plugs was more or less a waste of time. Obviously you know far more about this than I do, but I wonder that if 32bit float is not really enough, how does that translate to ProTools 48 fixed, which surely must be far worse?


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    @DG said:

    Interesting. I'd always been told that using 64bit plugs was more or less a waste of time. Obviously you know far more about this than I do, but I wonder that if 32bit float is not really enough, how does that translate to ProTools 48 fixed, which surely must be far worse?



    48-bit fixed point is better than 32-bit float for filter calculations. On Intel machines there is however not much penalty in using 64-bit precision, especially when using SSE2/3/4. On PPC 64-bit precision is a bit of a pain. The Altivec engine does not support 64-bit precision like its Intel SSE2 counterpart does and you end up with half the number of general purpose registers when using 64-bit precision on PPC.

  • I also find the Suite very interesting. Though looking at the GUI shots I wonder if the Power Pan Plugin also has a delay function to generate "Laufzeitdifferenzen" - (delay of the right or the left channel for simulating direction listening) sorry, don´t know the correct english word.

    Best, Rainer

  • That would be "run-time delay".

    No, there's no delay integrated in the PowerPan-plugin in this version. But it's a good idea, worth to be considered.

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  •   The Vienna Suite is looking great, Team VSL.  I am very excited to try it out.

  • What's the comp and EQ modeled on Dietz? The screenshots look good.

    With the power panning Dietz - what does one do? Just use it on a track by track basis?

  • Nice suite with a set of often used plugins on a daw. But, because many people still own good EQ, Comp, Limiter etc. plugins, it would be nice if VSL will offer these as seperate plugins too.

    It seems VSL spent some significant time to develop them as 64-bit plugins with best precision for ears that hear noises from outer space. But on the other hand, they've no time or they're not able to develop their plugins to the widely common native ProTools RTAS format for PC platform.


    Instead of develop the millionst eq on this planet, they should better take a look in their current products to make them more compatible for really all major platforms.

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    @Another User said:

    With the power panning Dietz - what does one do? Just use it on a track by track basis?
    Yes, it's as simple as that. Just use it track by track, or on a sub-group ("bus") on certain occasions.

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Dear VSL Team,

    If I loaded the Vienna Suite Power Panning plug-in on a track in the VE host on my slave computer, is it possible to adjust the parameters of that plug-in through the track automation on my master computer's DAW?

    Currently I don't use VE and use the Waves S1 Stereo Imager on the tracks in my DAW.  I find that when the brass get really loud I like to bypass the S1 stereo imager and let the full stereo image of the brass instruments ring out.  I think this sounds more realistic and really gets more punch when you need it on big brass sounds.  I am hoping to be able to do something like this on a VE setup with the Vienna Suite power panning on my slave computer, but of coures I would need it to be automated so that I could adjust the paramaters at the right time in the music.

    Thanks, Brian