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  • Thanks DG.

    A question for the VSL Team.

    Will a Vienna Suite user be able to use Vienna Suite plug-ins on both the Slave and Host machines at the same time?

    I'm imagining a scenerio where I would want to use many instances of the EQ and Stereo Imaging plug-ins inside VE on the slave machine and also use the Dynamics and Master EQ plug-ins at the same time on the buses and main outputs of my DAW on the Host machine.

    Hope that makes sense.

    Thanks, Brian

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    @Brian said:

    Thanks DG.

    A question for the VSL Team.

    Will a Vienna Suite user be able to use Vienna Suite plug-ins on both the Slave and Host machines at the same time?

    I'm imagining a scenerio where I would want to use many instances of the EQ and Stereo Imaging plug-ins inside VE on the slave machine and also use the Dynamics and Master EQ plug-ins at the same time on the buses and main outputs of my DAW on the Host machine.

    Hope that makes sense.

    Thanks, Brian

    I'm not the VSL team, but I can answer that. Herb has said that there are three licences per purchase, much the same as with VE3.


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    @Brian said:

    Also, does a performance advantage translate into a sonic advantage as well?  In other words, can you hear the difference between the 64-bit and 32-bit versions of the same EQ plug-in as an example?

    For an equalizer, using 64-bit math is absolutely essential. There is a big difference, especially in bass frequencies. 32-bit floating point simply does not offer enough resolution to appropriately calculate filter coefficients accurately, something which is even more apparent at higher samplerates. So to answer your question, yes - you can hear a difference!

    Regarding 64 vs 32 in general, as DG pointed out earlier - there is a difference between 64-bit resolution and 64-bit architecture. Vienna Suite plugins still use 64-bit processing in the 32-bit versions.

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    @MS said:

    For an equalizer, using 64-bit math is absolutely essential. There is a big difference, especially in bass frequencies. 32-bit floating point simply does not offer enough resolution to appropriately calculate filter coefficients accurately, something which is even more apparent at higher samplerates. So to answer your question, yes - you can hear a difference!

    Interesting. I'd always been told that using 64bit plugs was more or less a waste of time. Obviously you know far more about this than I do, but I wonder that if 32bit float is not really enough, how does that translate to ProTools 48 fixed, which surely must be far worse?


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    @DG said:

    Interesting. I'd always been told that using 64bit plugs was more or less a waste of time. Obviously you know far more about this than I do, but I wonder that if 32bit float is not really enough, how does that translate to ProTools 48 fixed, which surely must be far worse?



    48-bit fixed point is better than 32-bit float for filter calculations. On Intel machines there is however not much penalty in using 64-bit precision, especially when using SSE2/3/4. On PPC 64-bit precision is a bit of a pain. The Altivec engine does not support 64-bit precision like its Intel SSE2 counterpart does and you end up with half the number of general purpose registers when using 64-bit precision on PPC.

  • I also find the Suite very interesting. Though looking at the GUI shots I wonder if the Power Pan Plugin also has a delay function to generate "Laufzeitdifferenzen" - (delay of the right or the left channel for simulating direction listening) sorry, don´t know the correct english word.

    Best, Rainer

  • That would be "run-time delay".

    No, there's no delay integrated in the PowerPan-plugin in this version. But it's a good idea, worth to be considered.

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  •   The Vienna Suite is looking great, Team VSL.  I am very excited to try it out.

  • What's the comp and EQ modeled on Dietz? The screenshots look good.

    With the power panning Dietz - what does one do? Just use it on a track by track basis?

  • Nice suite with a set of often used plugins on a daw. But, because many people still own good EQ, Comp, Limiter etc. plugins, it would be nice if VSL will offer these as seperate plugins too.

    It seems VSL spent some significant time to develop them as 64-bit plugins with best precision for ears that hear noises from outer space. But on the other hand, they've no time or they're not able to develop their plugins to the widely common native ProTools RTAS format for PC platform.


    Instead of develop the millionst eq on this planet, they should better take a look in their current products to make them more compatible for really all major platforms.

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    @Another User said:

    With the power panning Dietz - what does one do? Just use it on a track by track basis?
    Yes, it's as simple as that. Just use it track by track, or on a sub-group ("bus") on certain occasions.

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Dear VSL Team,

    If I loaded the Vienna Suite Power Panning plug-in on a track in the VE host on my slave computer, is it possible to adjust the parameters of that plug-in through the track automation on my master computer's DAW?

    Currently I don't use VE and use the Waves S1 Stereo Imager on the tracks in my DAW.  I find that when the brass get really loud I like to bypass the S1 stereo imager and let the full stereo image of the brass instruments ring out.  I think this sounds more realistic and really gets more punch when you need it on big brass sounds.  I am hoping to be able to do something like this on a VE setup with the Vienna Suite power panning on my slave computer, but of coures I would need it to be automated so that I could adjust the paramaters at the right time in the music.

    Thanks, Brian

  • Wow! I was caught by surprise when the demo finally showed up on the downloads page this evening, and installed immediately. I was in the midst of evaluating some other plug-ins that expire tomorrow, so couldn't devote much time to Vienna Suite, but already my first impression is that these are the most transparent native plug-ins I've ever used.

    I don't normally use presets, but the ones provided are excellent, and given my limited experience with mixing orchestral content, I may well find them superior to my own experimenting -- at least as a starting point. I haven't been using much EQ with VSL yet, or much processing other than convolution reverb to be frank. Just panning, levels, and occasional EQ for specific instruments. That could change!

    The Master EQ, which adds the shelving controls to the regular EQ, gave a Synchrosoft error as being unavailable on the license. Not sure if this was intentional or not, but I will have little trouble making my final evaluations based on just a few of the plugs (I have tried the multi-band and EQ so far and have been blown away by both, to the point that I may find I no longer need outboard gear!).

    When I have more time and energy (hopefully tomorrow night), I will do a direct shootout of the EQ vs. MOTU's MasterWorks EQ, which believe it or not, even though it's free with Digital Performer, has continued to win hands-down in every shootout I've ever done of even the "best" boutique EQ's, in terms of transparency. Only the similar Sonnox Equaliser pips it out, and only in the higher frequencies.

    Some serious mangling for pop productions is possible with these plug-ins as well, but the important thing is that the basic timbre doesn;t change. This is how I define transparency. I can even see using these plugs for special effect type processing for spoken word and even audio restoration nit-picking where standard audio cleanup plugs need to be augmented now and then. Great telephone preset BTW! 

    I'll definitely be buying this. My timing will be based not on when the demo expires, but when the Jazz Drums become available. I'm hoping soon, because as soon as I became aware of this new library, I put on hold the completion of a revision to a jazz soundtrack I did a couple of years back (I'm hoping to formalise it finally into a release, as the original was done as a favour for a friend's student film project). 

  • Hi mhschmieder,

    thanks a lot for your great feedback! [:)]

    I just wanted to inform, that the Jazz Drumset is available for download in our User Area, when you have registered the Vienna Suite.

    At the moment we are working on video tutorials for the Vienna Suite and the Jazz Drums, further more Factory Presets for the Vienna Suite, and at least a bundle of midifiles for the Jazz Drums.



  •  Hi mhschmieder,

    great to hear you like it  [:)]

    Just did some more tests with the Demo licenses for Vienna Suite and Syncrosoft LCC - no troubles in any way.

    I believe that the Syncrosoft Error has just been a glitch - please contact if the error does not vanis!



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
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    @herb said:

    Hi mhschmieder,

    thanks a lot for your great feedback!

    I just wanted to inform, that the Jazz Drumset is available for download in our User Area, when you have registered the Drum Set.

    At the moment we are working on video tutorials for the Vienna Suite and the Jazz Drums, further more Factory Presets for the Vienna Suite, and at least a bundle of midifiles for the Jazz Drums.



    I don't understand when you say 'when you have registered the drum set'? Which drum set is this?

  • [quote=Simsy]I don't understand when you say 'when you have registered the drum set'? Which drum set is this?

    Sorry, a typo.

    I meant "when you've registered your Vienna Suite"



  • I've tried to install the Suite demo, but can't download the license. After pasting in the trial code from the VSl email, the License Control Center says "The date/time settings of this computer are possibly incorrect. Please check the correctness of the settings for the date, time and time zone of this computer." I've checked all three, and they are correct, but I can't get any further. I'm using the lastest version of the control center, BTW. Any ideas?

  • I had the same problem, simply move your clock an hour ahead.

  • same problem here. OSX 10.4 latest syncrosoft "The date/time settings of this computer are possibly incorrect. Please check the correctness of the settings for the date, time and time zone of this computer."