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  • [quote=A.G]Your workaround works in the "old way" - have you heard about the Cubase Expression Maps?

    Are you talking to me ?

    I would love to have Logic Expression Maps, this is THE  solution.

    You are doing a great job but we want to be able to do the same in the Logic score, and today it is not possible because in the macro you cannot deal with Meta events 

    What you have done and what I have done is a "do-it-yourself" because the develloper at Emagic and now at Apple are stupid enough not wanting to add an equivalence of the "Cubase Expression Maps" in Logic

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    @Cyril said:

    What you have done and what I have done is a "do-it-yourself" because the develloper at Emagic and now at Apple are stupid enough not wanting to add an equivalence of the "Cubase Expression Maps" in Logic

    I agree with you for that but it's the same for all others DAW (Pro Tools, Live, Studio One, Reaper, etc.). They don't have expression mapping either.

    The day Logic will have a proper articulation switching system I will come back to it. It's the only reason I use Cubase right now. 

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    @Another User said:

    You are doing a great job but we want to be able to do the same in the Logic score.
    As I mentioned above the AM-PRO focus is TBA which is much better because you do not have to select different MIDI regions open MIDI editors etc. In the same time you can work in parallel with any MIDI editor. For example you can dock the Score Editor, compose music and draw Articulation Map automation in the Main window where the Maps are shown with custom text Articulation Names. In this scenario the Score "is clear" for export etc - there are no Articulation MIDI events inside the regions etc. You can type and create Articulation symbols in the Score as well which do not mess with the TBA Maps. The Logic Playhead synchronizes the Score window and the Main window so there are no problems.

  • [quote=A.G]

    How do you do if you have to give the score to a real orchestra 

    Specifying Articulation in the score is THE solution

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    @Cyril said:

    How do you do if you have to give the score to a real orchestra
    This was answered in my previous reply:
    [b]You can type and create Articulation symbols in the Score as well which do not mess with the TBA Maps.[/b]
    I.e you can work in parallel with the Score Editor and the [url=][color=blue]AM-PRO[/color][/url] Articulation maps.
    1. You can create Professional Scores with text symbol articulation names for real orchestra (in the Score Editor).
    2. You can create AM-PRO Maps according to the Score ones and draw/automate them in the Logic Main window Automation according to the Articulation names you have created in the Score. As I mentioned before you can dock the Score Editor and work simultaneously with the Score Editor and with the Main Window (Maps Automation lane)

    [b]Note:[/b] It is quite possible if you want to create a specific Articulation in the Score which will be 100% playable by a real orchestra but your Virtual Instrument may not have this specific Articulation. In this scenario you can create a Map which recalls alternative sound patch/articulation which is not dependent from the Score (the Articulation Names can match in both editors). Hope see why TBA is best. It gives much more alternatives...

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    @A.G said:

    [quote=Cyril]How do you do if you have to give the score to a real orchestra
    This was answered in my previous reply:

    Do you have a video for this ? You should not have to enter articulation changes twice , also you should be able to change articulation just for one note 

    I noticed you had 16 midi channels where you define the instrument name, can you have multiple 16 midi channels, my template has 100 instruments

    How many keyswitch can you have per instrument ?

    Can you send 2 notes for a keyswitch i.e.  C0 C1, C0 D1, ......D0 C1, D0 D1...... (you need this to have access to the presets levell II of VSL instruments)

    When I write a score I have one line per instrument, I dont have a line that contains many instruments

    What you have done is great but you need to have access to the Meta data of the score to be able to have a real "LOGIC EXPRESSION MAPS" from the score

    I have put this in the Core audio develloper forum, but .....

    Ask for it, more people will ask more there is chance we will have it in 2101 ;(

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    @Another User said:

    Can you send 2 notes for a keyswitch i.e. C0 C1, C0 D1, ......D0 C1, D0 D1...... (you need this to have access to the presets levell II of VSL instruments)
    Yes, the Am-PRO can be updated to push 4 or 100 KS per Map (no problem). A few A.G users reported that they want to have two KS notes to make Combos (C2+G2; C2+G#2 etc) for the Samplemodeling Instruments. The upcoming A.G Logic Toolkit PRO v3.0 is under test period. Several top worldwide testers are trying it out now... Stay tuned!

    The main topic is [b]Key Switching Articulations in Logic, smartest way?[/b] As far I remember you contacted me in the past regarding the Environment Score Meta's or something like that? I know that you are an Environment Score (Meta) fan publishing some amateur Youtube Environment Templates tutors - right?. I fill that you are trying to be smart regarding any Logic Articulation Maps (Expression maps) third party developments. Keep in mind that the Meta events or the Environment will be never updated - there are many reasons for that be sure.

    If you still think that the Score Metas or the "old way" Environment Templates are the smartest way regarding this Topic title please publish why they are best.
