I have been playing with the speed control. It seems amazing to me actually. The only problem I am running into is that (by the way, it isnt a bug, it's how it works from what I have read and seen) when I say load up Violins legato patch, then load up Violins Staccato and set my speed control, played back live some of the notes get the wrong sample (what I have noticed is that it always seems to be the first note of the desired patch change). I can even WATCH this happen when I open up VE3 interface. I can see the delay of one note before witching to the other patch. So if I play 4 legato notes in a row then do a chromatic scale up for 7 notes, the 1st not is still actually played with my legato sample, then the other 6 are using the staccato sample. Which is for me not hardly noticeable, what is noticeable to me is when I do fast repitition notes and then slow down. The first legato note is actually played with my Staccato patch and it's very evident by the difference in vibrato, atk etc. Now I swear I read it somewhere that this is normal behavior because of how it works so I am looking for a "quick edit" to fix it. To be honest, sometimes I have to really listen to hear that the note wasn't even played with the right sample.
In Logic 8, what would be the fastest way to fix this?
Another thing I need help on using the speed control is that I cannot ever get them to be "consistent sounding". What I mean is say I load the legato patch and the staccato patch. One is always so drastically different then the other (in atk etc) so my legato passages sound mf and my staccato passages sound fff or vice versa. I am still in the learning curve moving from Gigastudio so sorry if this is an idiot problem to be having.
Can anyone help out with these few things? I would rather start simple and master a few little tricks at a time.