1. Expression Mapper (MIDI FX plugin).
2. Articulation Maps PRO (MIDI FX plugin).
You can assign custom Articulation Names in the plugin Editor for the corespondent Key Switches etc. Those Articulation Names will be shown in the Logic Automation view so you can draw and edit Articulations easily. The AM PRO Maps offers Key Switch, Program Change, and up to 4 Control Change assignments per Map. Logic chases the Articulation automation perfectly (it is well know that Logic can not chase short MIDI Key Switches which is weird when you move thru the project). The A.G Toolkit offers two MIDI Channel Switchers as well which support changing the MIDI Channel on the fly via Key Switching, Program Change etc.
1. MIDI Channel Switcher (Global Environment Tool).
2. MIDI Channel Switcher (MIDi FX plugin).
There are three Demo Videos in the site which show that in details.