@A.G said:
[quote=Cyril]How do you do if you have to give the score to a real orchestra
This was answered in my previous reply:
Do you have a video for this ? You should not have to enter articulation changes twice , also you should be able to change articulation just for one note
I noticed you had 16 midi channels where you define the instrument name, can you have multiple 16 midi channels, my template has 100 instruments
How many keyswitch can you have per instrument ?
Can you send 2 notes for a keyswitch i.e. C0 C1, C0 D1, ......D0 C1, D0 D1...... (you need this to have access to the presets levell II of VSL instruments)
When I write a score I have one line per instrument, I dont have a line that contains many instruments
What you have done is great but you need to have access to the Meta data of the score to be able to have a real "LOGIC EXPRESSION MAPS" from the score
I have put this in the Core audio develloper forum, but .....
Ask for it, more people will ask more there is chance we will have it in 2101 ;(