@mosso said:
This is the crux of the question - is someone, as a user of this software, a composer who uses samples for art?
Right. I have asked during years many copyright lawyers who is the composer when I generate music or when some other persons generate music using my sw. Or has the person who took the photo anyt rights to the music. I have not got any definite answers.
It is interesting than during these discussions in different Internet forums, in most cases the claim is that I am the composer because I am using some parameters (instruments etc). Now in this thread most writers seem to think that I am not.
My system is still experimental has quite a many parameters that a not usually used (=changed). All parameters are global. Because my sw generates a midi file that could be changed (which I never do), how many changes should I make to validate as a composer?
My own opinion? My sw is the composer. I have only commissioned the pieces from my sw.
The piece RAIN
was presented here in a Music Festival a month ago:
The painting "rain" was shown in front of the audience as a metascore.
I asked the Artistic Director to put Synestesia Software as a composer, but he put my name to the program...