Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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  • What sense makes it only to offend here instead of contacting the VSL-Team with a special problem? After such a long time?  I would give the advice: 1. Read;   2. think;   3. write or better be quiet.

  • Hi VSL

    It is not very good for your reputation to have this thread going to 20 pages !!!

    Start the 2009 year on a good foot, give upgrade path to your old customers [:D]

    You have nothing to loose, everything to win !!!



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    @ccherrett_23712 said:

    VSL has become a bit of a bad word around my parts. I am shocked a company would allow themselves to gain such a bad name while having such a good product. 


    Well imagine if VSL were like Northern Rock or Lehman Brothers for example. I don't quite understand what you are talking about. This is a sample company with limited resources that needs  cashflow just like all the other sample library companies. They can't just raise money like all these banks and I don't think the type of money we are talking about here is particularly huge in the greater scheme of things. Without cashflow, there would be no sample companies - would that make you feel better?

  •  well, since i have subscribed to this thread i'm notified about new posts ...

    btw: there is nothing to defend and it has been stated already several times it can't be changed


    looking into your products i'm rather asking myself why you didin't upgrade to say the special edition but to the pro 4 month after the new upgrade paths have been announced ... probably it is related to the fact you prefer to run linux?


    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • I have been in business for 9 years running a computer programming company catering to school boards. I get to make the upgrade policies and pricing. Don't make it sound like VSL had no choice. I certainly shared my emails with them and heard them take no responcibility for any situation that came up.

    I would hope another company comes up with better samples and VSL no longer has this reign. I am not going to cry for VSL, they got my money!

  • I sure do love running linux. Again you are in defence. Always defending your mistakes.

  • cm: You eliminated my discount man and claimed I got a good deal because it was a final discount on the sale. Nothing ever said that on my license or on your training promo video. When I bought OPUS 1 and 2 this was never a concern for getting a discount on an upgrade. Then when I could afford to make my move you abbandoned your product line discount. So don't push on me that it is because I ran linux. I cleared my use of linux with your company before I purchased. I went into this investment with my eyes wide open. You changed the rules not me.

  • also in my opinion the discussion is in fact obsolete ... gigastudio went out of business, exs wouldn't be capable to run the full new libraries (even if apple would be willing to integrate some kind of new performance tool as plugin into exs), ect. ect - let's face it: the technology is outdated

    upgrade paths: though i love mathematical and logical problems and the currently active literally thousands of upgrade discount combinations work rather nice it would have been a nightmare to integrate additional cases originating from the sample libraries, which actually would have contained upgrade cases within theimselves .... shiver ...



    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • That is if you consider Aplle and Microsoft the only platforms to work on.

    I have been actively developing and tweeking my setup of Linuxsampler and Ardour3 on linux. I have The Performance Tool running in wine and can load my samples with ON-DEMAND-HOLD so I can effectively have samples load and unload realtime and give me the ability to not have to bounce my tracks.

    With ARDOUR3 there is support for MIDNAM and I have converted my mappings over to it. ARDOUR3 allows the user to create program changes from one track with namings from the MIDNAM file so you can run your articulations from mostly one track instead of having to layer your tracks and only depend on The Performance Tool.

    This is all being done with .gig files. So I would say the tech is far from dead. The only thing that is dead is Gigastudio and I have never used that anyways.

    But I think VSL and I have had this conversation before.

  •  chris, i didn't say it is dead, i mentioned it is outdated ... whereas the guy at obviously did a great job during the past years and the performance tool might run nicely in wine there was a strong - if not actually anavoidable - demand for a new tool.

    the result was the vienna instruments (engine) providing 12 x 12 x 12 x 2 x [number of velocity layers] = thousands of layers plus much more advanced rule-sets than the performance tool would be capable to cover, not even talking about preloading and streaming now or working with sets of 20 and more GB loaded samples ...

    not too many users would be able and willing to create and maintain a linux audio workstation for those or even less demands, but who knows ... if some *off the shelve* linux distribution will become available and syncrosoft provides an LCC for it (and the whole thing including audio drivers becomes supportable) maybe we will see a linux compile for VI/VE one day ....



    btw: i never tried, say using ubuntu, but i'd assume the performance tool would not work on a 64bit linux beyond 4 GB loaded data ...

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • :)

    In linuxland we have the joy of running 64 bit systems and 32 bit apps. I am running 32bit wine with The Performance Tool on my 64 bit system with 8GB of RAM.

    My system is a custom compiled Gentoo 64 bit, AMD Phenom Quad 8GB RAM. I have been building and tweeking it for 4 years now. You are right linux is not ready from the masses yet, but it will be and I offered to help VSL get there.

    I will continue to push the old VSL on linux and hope you guys come over some day. I will keep you up on my progress. We are weeks away from our final studio setup and I can finally show you what we have built

    Hey possibly we could be nice to each other again :)

  • cm,

    QT just went LGPL so write your code in it and now you are cross p[latform. Or run in wine. Those guys who make your USB security thingy should get off their buts and make the switch over.

    I sure like the look of your new tools but for me to purchase them only to find out I now have to debug them like I did The Performance Tool to run in Linux seemed a bit of a large price for me to afford.

    Send me some dev versions of your stuff and I will get it running.

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    @ccherrett_23712 said:

    QT just went LGPL

    i noticed,but i had in mind they distribute *some version(s) of QT* using the LGPL ... anyway, our development team is using QT since a long time now because otherwise it would have been almost impossible to have windows and OS X builds from the same source ...

    thanks for your offer, but for obvious reasons a *dev-version* (i.e. the source) cannot leave the house 😉


    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Not what I meant by dev-version. I was meaning to say. Give me some libraries to test and install and tweek the linux side software to accomidate

  • What i can't upgrade for orchestral cube pro Ã©dition? DAMN!!!!


    I am just working on a system for someone and they have some architechural software that uses SafeNet Sentinel.

    Could that replace your Syncrosoft limitations?

    Or possibly use SafeNet for linux and Syncrosoft for Mac and Windows?


  • Ha,

    I've just re-read this old thread, having been in the same boat as many on here, but not really wanting to contribute as many others were doing it far more eloquently.

    The reason I'm writing now is that I was looking at the Holiday discount page.  I'm a GS3 user, and have been for ages now, and was one of those users who fell off the VIP upgrade path since I didn't have the ready cash available within the 12 month upgrade period.  I now have 4K studio upgrade budget ready to rock and roll, and just thought I'd share my thought process with the community, and VSL.

    I nearly did it.  I nearly stretched the 5K and bought the VE symphonic cube.  I own the VE special edition, and also the VE saxes.  I love them, and they're great, and I'd happily recommend them to anyone. What stopped me?  I love the product, it's amazing, and the interface is ridiculously easy to use.  VSL without a doubt make the best products on the market.

    Answer?  Trust.

    I didn't realise it at the time, but I felt as fed up as all those guys above me.  I realise I now think of Vienna now as 'not entirely to be trusted'.  I was really begrudging spending the money - I shelled out what was a massive amount for me when I was a student, but I felt like the VIP plan was 'insurance'.    I spent the cash on the special edition, and will probably buy some additional instruments bit by bit, but I'll do so cautiously, and without any sense that the investment is guaranteed for any significant period of time.

    I just thought I should share that, as all the dust has settled on this - I want to be clear that I'm not asking for anything, or asking for any specific response.  It's just that a couple of colleagues were also asking me about purchasing VSL, and my honest advice was to 'be careful'. 

    Happy new year all.  All the best for your composing projects in 2010 and the next decade!

  •  Hi,

    i second all your thoughts. Strangely enough, I went trough a re-install of GS3 during the holidays and I felt the same, like the re-install makes you go through all these issues again. The horizon libraries of mine where a gift and  money was inolved, that was not easily spent.

    When I looked at the new christmas special, it was like everything VSL in the past: If you spent a gazillion dollar , you can save thousands. Even if it meant that you have everything again, but only VE.

    It would have been so easy, to give all Horizon and Cube users a gracious discount for their loyality and trust, like you said. Twenty years ago, for any company, that would have been a "no brainer"

    But this is the millenium and the decade for greed and unconditonal exploit, if you are a cash driven company. What is customers loyality, what is the value of a community  against dollars for stakeholders? 

    Too old for Rock n Roll. Too young for 9th symphonies. Wagner Lover, IRCAM Alumni. Double Bass player starting in low Es. I am where noise is music.
  • Firstly I'm not commenting on the morals of the various current and past upgrade paths. 

    However we must applaud VSL's democratic attitude - they run these open forums and extremely rarely is there any censorship.

    Many respected organisations (like the BBC and Apple)  remove comments at the drop of a hat when criticism of products or corporate decisions/policy is posted. In addition VSL has one of the best  support records with frequent contributions from staff (at all times of day/night) to help out users of their products and even, in some cases, other suppliers hardware/software!

    So there have been grumbles and also praise (lots) for VSL so in my book they are one of the good guys and long should they remain!

    Happy New Year to all


  • Hi Herb

    Please reconsider the question, that will be your good action for 2010 ;)

