Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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  • darren, can i merge your three empty accounts? please notify me about your preferred email address ...


    btw: interesting to read your understanding of the term *patronage* and your expressing of solidarity - it seems you are one of the potential users who are intending to purchase the full super packege and so do not care about future upgrade paths from the smaller libraries to the big collections.



    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
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    @herb said:



    Hi Marsdy,


    if you upgrade till July 15th 2008 you will get your upgrade price. (plus free extended libraries)

    well, I think that is not exactly the meaning of the word never ("that you never pay twice for the samples you already own.")

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    @herb said:



    I don't think so:

    - Most of our users are excusively Vienna Instrument users, never licensed a Sample Library from us.

    - Most of our Sample Library users have already upgraded

    - A lot of users like to get the "Free Extended Offers" with this final upgrade sale

    - all users who really want to upgrade but do have problems with the funding, could contact their distributors  to make a setup


    So finally there are all users, who prefer their Kontakt, Giga, EXS platforms, and don't want to make a change,

    but they also don't want to loose their theoretical upgrade option.

    I'm sorry, that I don't have a convincing solution in this case.  









    Well, what is your point here. I do not remember that I promised or had a contradt signed that I will update within a specific period of time.
    And it was those customers (the sample lib customers) that financed in part the development of the VI etc. best

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    @steff3 said:

    ... for the samples you already own

    licensed, steff, licensed ... samples are owned by VSL ... just to have that said agin ...


    my 2c here: the VIP program has initially been instanciated as upgrade path from the first to the pro edition. later horizon series products have been included offering several upgrade paths (and you might remember we had a long winding discussion about why there is no upgrade path from the first edition to opus 1)


    more than 2 years ago the upgrade paths have been expanded even to the Vienna Instruments where we could now start some academic discussion if this are the *same samples* as in the legacy sample libraries products ...

    strictly speaking they are not - they are created out of the same master material but new re-sampled, re-edited, re-mapped.

    actually they are now *Virtual Instrumts* and no longer *mapped samples*.

    but as said: we _could_ but VSL never had, on the contrary: the Vienna Instrument products have been configured in a way which expands the sample base, the ease of use, the audio quality, the efficiency and allows the transition without too much hassle. for three more months. as herb posted in a way actually 6 more months. better things are the worst enemies of the good things.


    VSL as inventor of the Performance tool had to recognize, that simple midi processing is on its end of life and usefulness. additionally the support and mainenance of the performance tool is realistically no longer possible ... (how to integrate into GVI, teleport solutions, how to cushion logic inconveniences regarding EXS, get kontakt scripts on the same level, HALion could never use scripted programs and midi routing has always been a mess, mach V would have required a completely new format, how to integrate in garage band or other newer hosts ... just to mention a few points)


    the whole step to Vienna Instruments became neccessary (and in my opinion there was not even a breath of another option considering the various limitations of existing samplers) to make this huge amount of samples usable again on a daily and reasonable basis.


    according to a more modern product range (starting from the ORCHESTRA special edition sections, over the upcoming single instruments libraries to the big collections) there is clearly a demand for new upgrade schemas so continuing the tradition of the VIP (Vienna Innovation Program), just based on the newer product format and configuration.


    there have been countless complaints about how unclear, unfair, not reflecting the needs the old upgrade paths have been (more precisely: have become, because VSL tried to integrate all newer sample libraries into this schema).

    now - and lets face it - there are already more VI users than sample library users and the possible upgrade paths have to reflect that ...


    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
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    @cm said:

    now - and lets face it - there are already more VI users than sample library users and the possible upgrade paths have to reflect that ...


    And does the fact that there are more VI users than sample library users justify the fact that the upgrade paths of the sample library users should be wiped out if they don't shell out thousands of dollars in the next 3-6 months? 

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    @Enlighten said:

    And does the fact that there are more VI users than sample library users justify the fact that the upgrade paths of the sample library users should be wiped out if they don't shell out thousands of dollars in the next 3-6 months?

    am i supposed to answer to someone who does neither provide his real name nor address information, but just a throw-away email address, does not have any products registered and 2 posts?

    enlighten me please, christian

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
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    @Errikos said:

    How many times are we expected to spend thousands for your 'copied'-'pasted' onto DVDs same sounds that we have already licensed? Not for new sounds, not for extra articulations, but for the thousands of samples that we already have

    with all due respect and noticing your particular situation - it is far away from beeing copied&pasted ...


    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
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    @Another User said:

    now - and lets face it - there are already more VI users than sample library users and the possible upgrade paths have to reflect that ...

    I'm still not sure that I fully understand the difficulty of maintaining both upgrade paths. I have to admit that I don't understand the whole minefield of the individual instruments coming out, and I can see that there is a potential nightmare in allowing customers to mix and match upgrade paths. For instance I can see where a customer might say 'I have the Pro Library, and I've now bought the individual downloadable trumpet; how much do I get off the Brass I VI now?'

    But what if you were to just keep the two routes entirely separate i.e. those with the Giga libraries can continue to use them to upgrade to complete VI extended collections, but no other products can be taken into account to produce a further discount. I had every intention of upgrading to all the complete collections. Nothing else was ever promised as I bought my libraries, and I don't expect to be included in anything else (other than offers for the users of the complete collections that I buy). If this were made clear now then there shouldn't be a problem. If, for instance, someone has the Pro Library, and does buy the individual trumpet, and then asks how much to upgrade to the whole of Brass I, the answer is either the price of the upgrade from the Pro Library, or the price of the upgrade from the downloadable trumpet - but not a combination. 

    The only flaw I see is if there are many customers who have already bought the Pro Library, and then bought SE, but I can't see that many would have gone down that route at all.

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    @Another User said:

    the whole minefield of the individual instruments coming out

    *minefield* - that fits pretty well to what is approaching ... you actually continued with some examples .. but honestly: shouldn't we expect exactly the same arguments we have read in this thread again then ... despite of any possible related announcement (choose upgrade path)


    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
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    @Pingu said:

    I wouldn't go down that route Christian

    read ahead my post ... i wrote *VSL does not*

    Sorry, you're quite right, I did miss that.

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    @julian said:


    Well at least Rinse was in time for his VIP upgrade .. just



    Cor - wha... huh... :)))

    Still in a state of shock Julian. You mean Riise of course (or do you). Hellava a goal for Chelsea in the 95th minute from the Norwegian. What a header!


    Riise Pudding

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    @Enlighten said:

    And does the fact that there are more VI users than sample library users justify the fact that the upgrade paths of the sample library users should be wiped out if they don't shell out thousands of dollars in the next 3-6 months?

    am i supposed to answer to someone who does neither provide his real name nor address information, but just a throw-away email address, does not have any products registered and 2 posts?

    enlighten me please, christian


    I already mentioned in my first post that I don't currently own any VSL products and that I've been interested in the SE. What a nice way to treat your potential customers.

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    @Enlighten said:

    I already mentioned in my first post that I don't currently own any VSL products and that I've been interested in the SE.

    You're from Los Angeles right?

    There are loads of VSL users in LA - probably the most in the world because of the type of place it is - entertainment and music. Go and ask any of them in LA and they're probably invite you round to check it out.

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    @steff3 said:

    ... for the samples you already own

    licensed, steff, licensed ... samples are owned by VSL ... just to have that said agin ...

    sorry - sure - but I think that was marked as quote in my reply 😊 (by " ")
    Well, this is all a bit sad - personally I would prefer to see a longer grace period - because it may be easily a bit of money one has to bring up. The statement form Herb is pretty vage about the +3months in user account (is that for extended libraries for which we have standard libraries - is it for DVD libs only or also for the new download instruments already available (aka Concert Guitar), etc.)
    before I invested last year into a set of PE samples I contacted VSL and they clearly stated that the update path was not forever (I asked, they first told me that there is no problem with updating in the future and then re-replied that well, it is not forever but there is no time frame yet .... 😊 )
    I think for me and VSL my investment in the PE and Horizon makes more sense (also financially) if I get the VI - as some pointed out - it is not now or later (that was with update path) but now or maybe never.
    OK, I think we made our point clear and .... well, I hope that VSL notices our opinion and thinks about it.
    thanks for listening

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    @julian said:

    Well at least Rinse was in time for his VIP upgrade .. just


    Cor - wha... huh... :)))

    Still in a state of shock Julian. You mean Riise of course (or do you). Hellava a goal for Chelsea in the 95th minute from the Norwegian. What a header!


    Riise Pudding

     Bummer... my son's a big Liverpool supporter... oops! off topic.


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    @herb said:

    I don't think so:

    - Most of our users are excusively Vienna Instrument users, never licensed a Sample Library from us.

    - Most of our Sample Library users have already upgraded

    - A lot of users like to get the "Free Extended Offers" with this final upgrade sale

    - all users who really want to upgrade but do have problems with the funding, could contact their distributors  to make a setup

    So finally there are all users, who prefer their Kontakt, Giga, EXS platforms, and don't want to make a change,

    but they also don't want to loose their theoretical upgrade option.

    I'm sorry, that I don't have a convincing solution in this case.  



    Dear Herb and Christian,

    Thanks for replying. It's good to know that you're looking in on the thread and reading what we're saying.

    I think you can probably tell from looking at my account that I'm don't prefer the Giga library and have every intention of upgrading. I've bought 4 VI's (3 of them upgrades) since December 2007 and it would have been more over the last year and a half if only you'd warned me that the upgrade path was time limited. I made my buying decisions based in part on the knowledge that I could upgrade at any time.

    I'm happy to accept the Pro Ed is old(er) technology. If VSL want to reduce the value of our discounts to reflect that then I'd be happy with that too. I'm interested in looking at any options that would enable VSL to get around cutting off upgrades for the old libraries for as long as possible. If that means accepting some depreciation of our investment so be it - thus is the nature of technology.

    I'm not making demands, or issuing ultimatums. I'm not ranting about betrayal or saying I'm never buying VSL again. I'm just a user who has already started upgrading and I'm politely asking if there's any chance of the management at VSL reconsidering the time limits on this policy.

    Please guys - help us find a way around this if at all possible.



  • If I might be indulged one final comment...

    If VSL, in its marketing from the beginning, had said something like, "In the future, when VSL releases an upgraded package - or new software -  users will have one year in which to purchase these products at a reduced upgrade price."...I don't think anyone would have complained.  In fact, I'm pretty sure they would have been lauded for their exceptional upgrade policy.  I, for one, would have have thought it more than fair.

    But that's NOT what they did.  And while I've been reading all the discussion about whether or not VI contains the same samples, the legal ramifications, want vs. need, etc. - the fact is, VSL did one simple thing...they made a promise to their customers. Speaking only for myself, the decision to postpone upgrading was based on this promise. (And financial realities - which aren't relevent to anyone but me).  But they changed their mind, changed the game - and in so doing, fundamentally changed my impression of the way they do business. 

    It's basic credibility. If they changed their mind on this, how do we know they won't change it on something else in the future?  That's not a personal attack or an insult.  I'm not calling anyone a liar or a cheat here.  It's just an observation that, for me, will impact the dependability of what they have to say going forward.  It's a business decision. That's it.  

    I hate it when these things get personal.  I still have great admiration for Herb and his team.  I don't take anything away from their amazing accomplishments, and I'm still getting my work done with Pro Edition and all the Horizon collections.  (Albeit more slowly than if I had VI.)  I'll either find a way to upgrade within six months or I won't.  (If not, I suspect it'll be never.)  But to me, if I strip away all the emotion and all the technical arguments, it still comes down to one simple thing.  Keep your promises.  And if you can't keep your promises, have a good explanation for why.  So far - I haven't heard one.

    In the end, PaulR is right.  They'll do what they do.  We'll do what we do.  We'll all move on.  I've always made music with the tools at hand, and that won't change.

    Fred Story 

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    @julian said:



     Bummer... my son's a big Liverpool supporter... oops! off topic.




    Is he? Well send him my regards. Most of the family are Liverpool supporters - or Everton - my daughter gets on my nerves with Liverpool. I'm about the only one that's not - Tottenham.

    Stamford Bridge next - a name synonymous to all Norwegians. It would be rank bad taste to make Riise play there in my view. :)))))
    Oops - OT!> :)))))


    King Harold

  • After reading the previous comments from Herb and Christian (and thanks for monitoring the discussion guys) I have to say my feelings are identical to Fred's. I just got to step one (finally) on the upgrade path last week, but there was no way I was going to be able to complete the upgrade at the drop of an email before July15. While the economic reality is entirely mine, changing the terms of the upgrade has really damaged my view of VSL from a customer standpoint. But I'm sure you predicted the impact of that decision on those of us affected, and VSL will live through that.

    Does it change my view of VI? No way, terrific product, fantastic way to use the samples.
    Will customer relationship/marketing promises from VSL bring added value to my purchase decisions in the future? Not now, and VSL used to win hands down on that.

  • Have to agree with some of the opinions expressed (Fred Story/Synergy) to name a few in that I look at all the wonderful demos that were done with the original Editions and the music I've created myself and I'll continue to use the tools I was given to make music. I note that, of all the products (around 30 software titles) I have in my studio, VSL is the first company to have taken away an upgrade path from an existing customer. VSL company, please note - a disenfranchised customer is always left bitter about their treatment and will usually never deal with the company again. Major upgrades usually cost around a third of the original price of any product. The end user doesn't mind paying and is grateful of an improving product. VSL should keep that in mind when making business decisions. Their current marketing strategy has alienated many potential customers. I would ask them, as have other contributers to the forum, to simply keep the upgrade path and to make the upgrade products as attractive as possible. They will get the business of existing customers if they are patient. Take a look at the way Tascam have upgraded their software products. Always an affordable increment even though if you started off with GS1 you will have paid more than the price of the original software through upgrades to get to GS3 and now another third of the price to GS4. Do I have a problem with that? No. Good marketing strategy from the company - always desirable new features,upgrade price well flagged in advance and the customer (yes, the customer, not the company) decides if the upgrade is worth having. No need to rely on customer loyalty if the products sells themselves. At the end of the day VSL is a company and if through bad marketing strategy they lose or go out of business, no amount of customer sentiment will make any difference. VSL need to win their existing customers wallets back, not their support any loyalty. A reversal of the time limit ultimatum would be a good marketing strategy right now and a discount deal which is attractive would see off this bad publicity. I hope they respond in a business manner. John O'Neill