- 2000 dual G4 450 1.5GB .. leopard does not install on computers with less than 800 MHz (is off)
- 2001 powerbook G4 667 1GB ... discarded to office, will also never go leopard
- 2002 mirrored door G4 1,25 2GB ... _very_ little above the specs
- 2003 powerbook 1,0 2GB ... minimum specs, but not really fun
- 2004 imac G5 1,8 2GB ... sosolala usable, but better homed for office tasks
- 2005 macmini 1.4 1GB .. discarded due to little RAM
- 2005 powerMac G5 2.3 2GB RAM ... does not make sense to upgrade RAM
- 2006 macbook pro 2,0 core duo 2GB .. nobody likes it since the core2duos arrived
- 2006 imac 1.8 core2duo usable for testing and light arrangements
- 2006 macPro ... fortunately apoggee released a PCIe soundcard ...
(examples out of my mind, not a complete list)
all PCs from 2002 and later still running their originally assigned tasks
(the older ones for editing, the slightly newer ones for sampling)
private inconvenience:
1998 imac G3 233 - couldn't be upgraded to 10.2 in 2002, means not even safari, resides in cellar since then.
the PC from that time still run BSD, my SGI VW320 video tasks and for 3 years it wasn't needed to upgrade any other.
so it is supposed to mean: i consider macs to be not future proof and a short-term investment.
hopefully we will see OS X officially for *ordinary* intel computers soon, so i know i could re-use them later.
but i think i will not use it in private at all unless the permission issue is fixed ... too much trouble for me.
understand my point? christian