sigh ... development happens basically in C++ and needs to be cross-platform.
since Cocoa is more a framework than a system API one would need to adapt everything according to the rules of such a framework.
in case you can limit yourself to objectiveC (and possibly a few lines of C++ code to be inserted) Cocoa would be great assumably.
in case you have an existing codebase and need to be cross platform i think every developer will confirm its not the first choice.
clearly a little company like VSL cannot maintain an application in for at least 8 tastes (XP, VISTA, 32 + 64 bit, PPC, intel 10.4 10,5, 32 and 64 bit) using 2 different IDEs (Integrated Development Environments)
ps: i'd recommend to subscribe the newsletter, so you would be among the first to get infomed about availibility of a *true* 64bit version ;-)
and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.