Yeah but the talent is out there. The greatest minds know how to learn from them. Criticizing someone who criticizes you is not going to get anyone very far. And I wouldn't criticize VSL for what they did if it wasn't a corporation, a company with a fleet of users that deserve to be treated better than people who bought their product and have a message board.@Christian Marcussen said:
I too have been critical of some of VSL's moves and have stated so openly on many occations (just as I have praised VSL for all the stuff they do right). I too have also given loads of suggestions to how they can improve their products and their company. However I doubt anyone has considered banning me - makes you think.
In other words it's not what you say, but how you say it. Perhaps once or twice you might have given some constructive and decent critique - but most of your posts come off as arogant, selfcentered, condecending, ill mannered and out of this world. Not the best way to get taken seriously.
Whatever. Like I've said before, it doesn't reflect on my feelings for any of the individuals at VSL, such as Herb et al, it's a problem I have with their corporate policy on how they treat those customers who are critical of them, whether constructive, arrogant, condescending, etc., or not.
Evan Evans