I too have been critical of some of VSL's moves and have stated so openly on many occations (just as I have praised VSL for all the stuff they do right). I too have also given loads of suggestions to how they can improve their products and their company. However I doubt anyone has considered banning me - makes you think.
In other words it's not what you say, but how you say it. Perhaps once or twice you might have given some constructive and decent critique - but most of your posts come off as arogant, selfcentered, condecending, ill mannered and out of this world. Not the best way to get taken seriously.
I too have been critical of some of VSL's moves and have stated so openly on many occations (just as I have praised VSL for all the stuff they do right). I too have also given loads of suggestions to how they can improve their products and their company. However I doubt anyone has considered banning me - makes you think.
In other words it's not what you say, but how you say it. Perhaps once or twice you might have given some constructive and decent critique - but most of your posts come off as arogant, selfcentered, condecending, ill mannered and out of this world. Not the best way to get taken seriously.