@Christian Marcussen said:
I'm just amazed how people go all nuts and worship evan becuase of his father - even when hes completely obnoxious.
People have insulted me first here. And I am not a coward. If you wanna attack me I WILL defend myself. That can look obnoxious, but those who are closer to me, who really see what's going on see it as valiant. It's no fun watching a fight. But I am not gonna let someone roll over me.
I criticized VSL early on, in a manner which was respectful and constructive. It was met straight by Herb with a defensive attack on me. His reaction was completely unprofessional, lacked tact, and had bad corporate strategy. The correct response would have been "thank you for your input/comments, we will keep them on file and consider them in future updates." Done. That's all it would have taken.
Herb responded in ill form, so I told him he was way off base to treat a customer who just spent thousands of dollars to purchase his product should not be treated like they were being talked to by a **insert name of a choice here**. So I was banned. For trying to help VSL, and telling them they could improve how they run their company.
Evan Evans