Love the Mahler 5th demo. This was a very good approximation of the piece. Being a Mahler nut for 15 years and having owned 5 different versions of his symphonies, I am a real skeptic. But you did a great job!
Impressive - you have the complete symphonies in five performances? I have a number of complete runs of them but have not tallied them up. (It is difficult to see into my LP stacks these days.) My favorites are the Solti in general, though Ormandy and the Philadelphia's Second is of course the ultimate. Nothing else even comes close.
You take a music score, on paper, and feed it through a shredder. Then you take all the little pieces of paper, mash them up with some water, and pour the mix into the disc drive of a computer equipped with VSL samples. Wait about three minutes (six to seven on slower models) and you will then hear your music coming out the speakers, with rich, full expressive articulations and dynamics.
Goodness-- what can I say that hasn't already been said? Hats off to Herb and Dietz for the demos.
It's not only encouraging to hear the possibilities with VSL, but just the few tips and insights to preparing the sequences, what sounds were used, how it was EQ'd, etc., offers some great staring points.
I'm looking forward to Altiverb 5 (and MIR!!)-- but tell me:
... do you use Space Designer at all?
Congratulations--keep the demos coming!
@JWL said:
[...] Hats off to Herb and Dietz for the demos.[...]
Congratulations--keep the demos coming!
Thanks a lot, but: Honour to whom honour is due - I'm just the engineer :-] ... Herb is the Master of Music (and MIDI).
And yes, I think we will keep them coming!
/Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library -
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