Here you have the midifiles for the new Pro Edition demos,
including the gigstudio performance files and performance tool setup files.
The midi filenames are identical with the mp3 filenames of our demo section.
Here you have first midi tutorials:
and here you have the mp3 renderings
first dry versions (direct to wave capturing in gigastudio)
and here mastered mp3 (with ambience)
In each folder you find a ".mid" midifile, a ".gsp" gigastudio file, and a ".vlp" performance tool file.
If gigastudio quicksound database can't find the right instruments, you have a detailed description, which instrument has to be loaded on the different midichannels. You also find the name of the gigfile, where you can find the instrument.
I also noted the BPM the upcoming mp3s are recorded in, further the BPM range you can use the midifile.
So you have to load:
the midifile in your sequenzer,
the corresponding gigfile (or instruments) into gigastudio,
and the setup of the miditool.
First check if the BPM are set correctly, further some examples need no performance tool, so don't forget to set all channels on thru.
This following description is also included as txt file in the zip.
best wishes
Example 1: HO_st-rep9_16-170+RS
Recording Tempo 170 BPM
midifile playable 168-174 BPM
No!! Performance Tool
Gigastudio instruments setup:
chn 1: HO_st-rep9_16-170+RS______gigfile: HO_REPETITINS_fast
This is an example for using our fast repetitions with release triggers.
The release sample is the last note of the played phrase.
So if you setup your bpm at 170 and you play one note with the length of one 16th
you will get two repetitions, an 8th three repetitions, a dotted 8th four repetitions, and so on.
Most files are available between 150 and 190 BPM (some faster) in 10 BPM steps.
Example 2: HO-4_po-rep9_8-120_dyn
Recording tempo 120 BPM
Midifile playable 120 - 200 BPM
Performance Tool
Gigastudio instrument setup:
chn 1: HO-4_po-rep9_8-120_cres___gigfile: HO-4_PERF-REP_port_8-120_DYN
chn 2: HO-4_cre2_2s_______________gigfile: HO-4_DYNAMIC-MEDIUM
chn 3: HO-4_dim2_2s______________gigfile: HO-4_DYNAMIC-MEDIUM
An example how to combine performance repetitions with dynamic samples.
Example 3: KB-6_run_e-mi_180+0run
Recording tempo 120 BPM
Midifile playable 120 BPM
Performance Tool
Gigastudio instrument setup:
chn 1: KB-6_run_e-mi_180+0run____gigfile: KB-6_RUNS-LEGATO_minor
chn 2: KB-6_RS ___________________gigfile: KB-6_LONG-NOTES
chn 3: KB-6_sfz ___________________gigfile: KB-6_DYNAMICS
Here I use the alternation tool for automatic switching between runs and 0runs.
It helps a lot, because you can concentrate during playing to get the right transition points.
The first two phrases are combinations to get larger scales than an octace.
In the third phrase I use a release sample cluster to get a "run" with a range over a minor third.
Fourth phrase shows a combination of a sfz startingnote with a 0run.
(0runs are runs with deleted starting notes, to get smoother transitions for combinations)
Example 4: VA-10_st-rep9_16-115_mf
Recording tempo 130 BPM
Midifile playable 115 - 170 BPM
Performance Tool
Gigastudio instrument setup:
chn 1: VA-10_st-rep9_16-115_mf___gigfile: VA-10_PERF-REP_stac_16-120
chn 2: VA-10_short-all_____________gigfile: VA-10_short-all
A combination of alternation tool for the short notes and performance repetitions.
Example 5: VC-8_leg-rep5_4-110
Recording tempo 120 BPM
Midifile playable 120 - 200 BPM
Performance Tool
Gigastudio instrument setup:
chn 1: VC-8_mV_leg-rep5_4-110_p____gigfile: VC-8_PERF-REP_leg_4-110
chn 2: VC-8_mV_leg-rep5_4-105_cre___gigfile:
Here you have the midifiles for the new Pro Edition demos,
including the gigstudio performance files and performance tool setup files.
The midi filenames are identical with the mp3 filenames of our demo section.
Here you have first midi tutorials:
and here you have the mp3 renderings
first dry versions (direct to wave capturing in gigastudio)
and here mastered mp3 (with ambience)
In each folder you find a ".mid" midifile, a ".gsp" gigastudio file, and a ".vlp" performance tool file.
If gigastudio quicksound database can't find the right instruments, you have a detailed description, which instrument has to be loaded on the different midichannels. You also find the name of the gigfile, where you can find the instrument.
I also noted the BPM the upcoming mp3s are recorded in, further the BPM range you can use the midifile.
So you have to load:
the midifile in your sequenzer,
the corresponding gigfile (or instruments) into gigastudio,
and the setup of the miditool.
First check if the BPM are set correctly, further some examples need no performance tool, so don't forget to set all channels on thru.
This following description is also included as txt file in the zip.
best wishes
Example 1: HO_st-rep9_16-170+RS
Recording Tempo 170 BPM
midifile playable 168-174 BPM
No!! Performance Tool
Gigastudio instruments setup:
chn 1: HO_st-rep9_16-170+RS______gigfile: HO_REPETITINS_fast
This is an example for using our fast repetitions with release triggers.
The release sample is the last note of the played phrase.
So if you setup your bpm at 170 and you play one note with the length of one 16th
you will get two repetitions, an 8th three repetitions, a dotted 8th four repetitions, and so on.
Most files are available between 150 and 190 BPM (some faster) in 10 BPM steps.
Example 2: HO-4_po-rep9_8-120_dyn
Recording tempo 120 BPM
Midifile playable 120 - 200 BPM
Performance Tool
Gigastudio instrument setup:
chn 1: HO-4_po-rep9_8-120_cres___gigfile: HO-4_PERF-REP_port_8-120_DYN
chn 2: HO-4_cre2_2s_______________gigfile: HO-4_DYNAMIC-MEDIUM
chn 3: HO-4_dim2_2s______________gigfile: HO-4_DYNAMIC-MEDIUM
An example how to combine performance repetitions with dynamic samples.
Example 3: KB-6_run_e-mi_180+0run
Recording tempo 120 BPM
Midifile playable 120 BPM
Performance Tool
Gigastudio instrument setup:
chn 1: KB-6_run_e-mi_180+0run____gigfile: KB-6_RUNS-LEGATO_minor
chn 2: KB-6_RS ___________________gigfile: KB-6_LONG-NOTES
chn 3: KB-6_sfz ___________________gigfile: KB-6_DYNAMICS
Here I use the alternation tool for automatic switching between runs and 0runs.
It helps a lot, because you can concentrate during playing to get the right transition points.
The first two phrases are combinations to get larger scales than an octace.
In the third phrase I use a release sample cluster to get a "run" with a range over a minor third.
Fourth phrase shows a combination of a sfz startingnote with a 0run.
(0runs are runs with deleted starting notes, to get smoother transitions for combinations)
Example 4: VA-10_st-rep9_16-115_mf
Recording tempo 130 BPM
Midifile playable 115 - 170 BPM
Performance Tool
Gigastudio instrument setup:
chn 1: VA-10_st-rep9_16-115_mf___gigfile: VA-10_PERF-REP_stac_16-120
chn 2: VA-10_short-all_____________gigfile: VA-10_short-all
A combination of alternation tool for the short notes and performance repetitions.
Example 5: VC-8_leg-rep5_4-110
Recording tempo 120 BPM
Midifile playable 120 - 200 BPM
Performance Tool
Gigastudio instrument setup:
chn 1: VC-8_mV_leg-rep5_4-110_p____gigfile: VC-8_PERF-REP_leg_4-110
chn 2: VC-8_mV_leg-rep5_4-105_cre___gigfile: