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    @Markus Schneider said:

    The SoundStage is 'visually' a great tool, but I couldn't get it adjusted right - it always makes it sound very in the high range.

    Do not be afraid to REALLY adjust the EQ response with that plugin. Also, remember that EACH "player" in the Soundstage space has its own unique EQ, damping, and all other settings.

    Finally, SoundStage is not a strong generator of reverb "tails." I would generate tails with a single master reverb, and use SoundStage exactly as its name implies--to place players on the stage. And don't forget that you want to use several instances of Soundstage for best effect. One great technique I've discovered with SoundStage is to define four overlapping stereo images in a semicircle around the virtual "podium," and another ring of four images as a "backline." This gives you a total of eight potential bussing destinations for each stereo track. The best way to set this up is to define a single preset for ALL the players and the mic position, then activate the desired players as you open the multiple instances. You DO want to try keeping the basic reverb elements the same, so that the mics stay in exactly the same place--only the players move. If the mics move, the "trick" gets blown.

  • The idea with the adjusting of Soundstage for every single player/groups was also my intention. But I have to get the basic settings first to my satisfaction. And as I said before I couldn't get that.

    One example what I am still searching for follows here:
    Today I listened some hours to John Williams soundtrack for Star Wars II. There's a tune 11 on the CD which has massive clusters. Between two clusters as an opposite stream, horns are playing in unison (think so).
    If you listen carefully the horns sound so wide in the room and squezzed (no wonder they are real). It sounds like a massive reverb. But when the horns play the last note there is no massive reverb at the end of the note. It sounds like 127 full reverb for the main, and then 48 for the last note. Would it be 127 at the last one, it would really rattle along the room.

    I couldn't find a one shot solution for this till now. Probably the bug sits in front of the screen, cause I am beginner. Anyway I am getting sick that I couldn't realize what i want to do [:(]

    Experience may help some time, some day ... [8-)]

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    @Bruce Richardson said:

    Knowing these things, one can use audio engineering tools to affect distance perception. If I want to make something sound more distant, I will use my available tools to do these things:

    1) narrow the stereo image
    2) reduce lower frequency content
    3) reduce upper frequency detail (carefully)
    4) add reflective content appropriate to the desired distance

    I hope this helps explain how people can use fairly common tools to really expand the VSL palette, and in doing so, creating intensely personal soundscapes.

    That's great information, Bruce, but I have neither the knowledge (or, let's face it, the inclination) to do a great job of creating an S1 setup for every instrumet in an orchestra. What I would really like is to buy a set of presets (S1, reverb, eq) which I can load into the appropriate tracks of Logic. (I'll be on 5.5 for a few years as I am PC and my domestic money seems to think new suits for her are a higher prority than new computers for me!)

    Load Violin I into EXS Instrument 1 - Insert S1, TrueVerb, Q10 and maybe RCL Compressor (see, I don't even know if any compression would be desired for individual instruments, though I seem to recall in the technical notes for a VSL recording that the engineer went on at great length regarding panning and compression)

    Then I could load a preset for each of the effects called, maybe, "BRVln".

    I think that me mucking around with all the technical stuff is as good a use of time as getting a technician to sing lead vocal on my next song - with similar quality of results, I should think.

    If you've spent time and skill creating a supurb virtual environment, why not get some payback?

    There would probably be even greater demand for a Logic Song Template using only Logic effects.

    By the way, what is "SoundStage,"? Is it a Giga thing?


  • SoundStage is the nickname for Cakewalk's FX3 plugin, a DirectX plugin (PC platform). For only $ 79 it can be really handy to have in your toolbox. You can use it in your mastering app, like WaveLab or SoundForge, in your sequencer on audio inputs and tracks (Logic on PC, SX, Cakewalk, Sonar) or in a mulitrack app like Vegas. GigaStudio does NOT support plugins like this, only a few by Nemesys/Tascam.

    Take care,

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    @JonoBD said:

    [...] What I would really like is to buy a set of presets (S1, reverb, eq) which I can load into the appropriate tracks of Logic .[...]

    Load Violin I into EXS Instrument 1 - Insert S1, TrueVerb, Q10 [...]

    We work on a solution for these demands, as we know that a composer isn't necessarily a mixing engineer. It will be somewhat different to the concept you described, but should take you a long way, once we're finished ;-] ... but don't hold your breath yet.

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • yah you dont want to end up like me!! [;)] I'm suffocating already waiting for this (and other stuff that you rely on) mwahahaha

    actually I have a feeling that what these guys are up to will be something in the realm of awe inspiring [:)]

  • That sounds brilliant, Dietz

    I did wonder if you might be thinking about it - after all if someone uses your samples and the mix is terrible it's not going to be the best advertisement for you is it?

  • ... we always try to do our best, Jono, but I think we're definetely _not_ responsible for people's mixes ;-]

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library