@Nick Batzdorf said:
The disconnect is that I'm always right and other people are only right when they agree with me.
I'm only running 2.5 GB in the dual 1.8 now, since it got demoted to a sequencer-only machine. No more VIs for this baby! But way back when that original thread was going I was running 4 GB, as I recall, and it was pretty dismal - just loads of pops and clicks. Mind you, I've been having lots of grim performance problems with Sibelius 5 recently, which is making me think that perhaps my machine is just a piece of crap. Who knows. I'm praying that the fall will bring a new Mac Pro worth upgrading to.
A few months ago I wiped the system and re-installed and it seemed to help... for a while. There were reports that this particular model had an SATA bus problem which could cause file corruption, but my performance problems don't seem related to file corruption, which would tend to have more cataclysmic results. Also, the Apple Service Diagnostic CD for this machine finds no fault - all tests pass. (And no, I'm not using that crappy hardware test CD - this is the real McCoy!).
Anyway, fingers crossed for our huggable cell phone company to actually release a computer in October... (Which isn't to say that I don't need an iToothpick, or an iPoop-scoop, or an iNavigate...) The only problem being that any new machine will probably only boot Leopard or higher, and then we'll have other fish to fry! [[:|]]