yeah. Seeing how this thread went WAY over my knowledge in several parts I would also be glad to hear about ONE reverb which makes a good job with just tweakings here and there for different instruments.
In my case I´m more interested in a software way than a hardware way.
I´m aware that this simplified solution won´t give me the ultimate in realism, but hopefully will make it possible for me to slowly build up rhe experience I need, so later on I can try more advanced tricks.
So to sum thngs up: If I was in a uninhabited isle with just one PC, VSL and ONE REVERB (it can be DX or VST) which one would you choose?
Seeing how I asked more stuff and didn´t reply to William, don´t forget about his hadrware tips requests too...
PS- in my isle I woud also have power supply, obviously [:)]
In my case I´m more interested in a software way than a hardware way.
I´m aware that this simplified solution won´t give me the ultimate in realism, but hopefully will make it possible for me to slowly build up rhe experience I need, so later on I can try more advanced tricks.
So to sum thngs up: If I was in a uninhabited isle with just one PC, VSL and ONE REVERB (it can be DX or VST) which one would you choose?
Seeing how I asked more stuff and didn´t reply to William, don´t forget about his hadrware tips requests too...
PS- in my isle I woud also have power supply, obviously [:)]