Just so everyone knows - apparently Apple has recognized that there are problems with the OS 10.4.10 update and plans to issue fixes in the near future. Check out the Macintouch.com website which posts user comments regarding technical issues. The following is one such report:
My own experience with OS 10.4.10 has, so far, been incident free, but also very limited. It does seem a bit snappier than OS 10.4.9.Reading the comments on the MacIntouch website, most of the problems noted seem to affect Intel Macs, so it may be that PPC Macs are relatively unscathed...
Rob Terrell sent this note about a possible problem with Mac OS X 10.4.10:
I've just gotten off the phone with Apple support and they've confirmed that the 10.4.10 update is buggy, and another update is in the works.
The tech I spoke with recommended that I archive-install 10.4.6 and update only to 10.4.9 using the manually downloaded updaters on Apple's web site.
After the update was installed, I got random kernel panics on two previously solid MacBook Pros. The /Library/Logs/panic.log file on both shows a kernel crash in "com.apple.iokit.IO80211Family". For both laptops, the kernel panic has only happened when on wireless using the battery. (So far.) My wife's Mac has been useless since the update -- six kernel panics (and associated lost data) in a day and a half. I've had a little better luck, but I've had two kernel panics since I installed it yesterday.
If you haven't updated, I would recommend holding off for a while longer.
My own experience with OS 10.4.10 has, so far, been incident free, but also very limited. It does seem a bit snappier than OS 10.4.9.Reading the comments on the MacIntouch website, most of the problems noted seem to affect Intel Macs, so it may be that PPC Macs are relatively unscathed...