I don't think anyone minds that Vienna is taking their time to bring out VEPro 7; what gets people upset is there's nothing on what is in the new version. All we're told is that there are some new features based on other stuff Vienna has. If they could just tell us what's in there with the usual fine print statemnt to the effect of 'subject to change' I know I'd be happy and I wager so would a lot of others as well.I am glad they are taking time to test it all out before releasing the final product. Better than what steinberg did with Cubase 10.... where they just rushed the release and had customers be the "beta testers".
Ve pro 6 is working fine for me on my slave pc. I have 4 VE instances, each with 27 kontakt instances (with 16 articulations each) and they are all running smooth. Load time is a bit long (about 35-40 minutes) so I would love to see that improved in Ve Pro 7. And hopefully the Cpu performance will get a slight improvement, I know they said going from Ve Pro 5 to 6, cpu performance improved by 70 or 80 percent, but I didn't notice much difference then.
I got my pre-order with the epic orchestra 2 a couple weeks ago. Been trying the library out and it sounds alright for the most part, but I wouldn't call it a must have... As someone stated above, I would rather see an upgrade to all 3 licences instead of just 1 (even thou I only have 1 slave PC in my studio, I have a remote set-up that I bring around when I travel and would love to just have licences on separate dongles like before)
Anyways... I am patiently waiting for the release notes.
You say your loading time for that template is 35 to 40 minutes - please tell us you're not loading from a spinner drive but an ssd. Or multiple ssd's. If you're on a Mac Pro cheesegrater putting those ssd's in a pcie card adapter will double the loading speed from if they're in the drive bays.