The simple answer to both would be only Vienna knows but they won't tell us. A longer answer would include they want to make sure everything works before they tell us which might be admirable but isn't helping to build confidence or morale and goodwill. Those words and their true meaning seem to be missing from Venna's vocabulary. They could at least tell us where they're at and what's nailed down and what isn't quite working right yet. THAT would help calm the masses.Just some simple questions:
One major stumbling block (for me at least) in all this non-information deal is system requirements. Yes they are up on the product page but telling us what beta testers are finding vis-a-vis those requirements would be great. For instance are they finding the so-called minimum requirements on Macs of Sierra OSX 10.12.6 really should ne High Sierra (which is now considered the recommended operating system)? For many reasons I can't go past that OSX version. Heck even VEPro 7 as it stands leaves out me using my old slave iMac as that runs/ran just fine with OSX 10.10.5. Forget El Crapitan.