Hi Sovereign,
OK I still have the impression that here are several diferent kind "numbers" of mingeled:
the Number of Microphones used to record is neither for the Spitfire nor for the Synchron Series the same as the number of mixable micophone-configrations..
For the Synchronstrings you have 8 mixable samplesets with different microphone configurations, which are nevertheless recorded each with multiple Microphones.
And if you already have HZS, than you know that the Mixer of the UI does not offer 26 mixable Channels, but as far as I can see offers just 6 microphone configurations. (Close, Tee, Amb, Out, Mid x, Mid y of which each might be recorded with using altogether 26 Microphones but for what Reason have they been counted. ?)
But as far as you only think about the concept of Mixing different microphone configurations, VSL might only go one or two steps ahead on a path which is already established.
The real "Quantum Leap" as I indicated is something you seem to ignore perhaps since you simple do not yet realised its significance at all. I am talking about the 8 "Articulation Dimensions". And I am not talking about acoustics "Dimensions" like different microphoneconfigurations!!!Its about Dimensions of variations of the articulation it self.
Just try to understand what those up to 8 "Articulation Dimensions" of the Synchron player are about and you proably understand a bit better what Quantum Leap I am talking about.
Ok to make it a bit easier for You as far as I can see HZS offers maybe 8 chooseable Articulations in the All in one Patch. You can manipulate some of them with CC's for Expression (volume) and Vibrato have I missed any further? Sorry but even if I have missed one or another additional CC, take a look at the Synchron FX and you probably nderstand better how poor that choice looks like regarding the possible variety which opens with every additional Synchron-Player Articulation-Dimension to adjust the audible playingstyle/technique to the certain need of your composition.
And yes it matters not only in this context (at least to me) a bit more of a section is meticolously "deep" sampled" or not. and if Vibratos are scripted or based on real recoded samples. For me at least this seem to be ofdeeper "power" thatn any exaggerated Sectionsize.
(You asked for the Recording positions. I confess I thought the "60 Cellos All in one" would at least allow to mix each recordingposition (f.i. 20 right, 20 centre, 20 left, 20 Galleries" seperatly. Sorry I was wrong this is obviously not possible. If you want to, you have to load for each an additional Patch.)
To sum up HZS might be a development based on a more or less "glamorous" marketing Idea, while even the new Spitfire player does not change that much fundamentally what we already have seen from other Kontakt-Spitfire libraries except perhaps the pretty exaggerated sectionsizes of HZS.
With Synchron Series a powerful new concept of working with Orchestra samples comes up which deserves the time it needs to work as it is intended.