"Too off-topic?" - Errikos
Not at all, the Outer Limits is a classic and Hammer House of Horror has some great episodes. Also, some other lesser known anthologies (which are now forbidden by the network money people) like "Ghost Stories" from the 90s, an obscure one that created some very good ones.
Outer Limits is particularly interesting because it has not only some great episodes - like "Forms of Things Unknown" by Joseph Stefano (who was the screenwriter of Psycho and became a major part of OL) but also briilliant music by the mysterious, reclusive composer Dominic Frontiere. He was a "Production Executive" as well as composer. I dont know exactly why, but perhaps because the producer realized how important his music was for the show. The group that made Outer Limits is a very inspiring bunch of ragtag filmmaker/special FX innovators who worked totally independent of the network, just making stuff up as they went. That was in a time long ago, the 1960s, when you could get away with that. Now you have to be a lone filmmaker to do it.
Btw I have to mention a very little known anthology that is equally great - "Thriller" which was introduced (and ocassionaly starred in) by Boris Karloff. It had some lame episodes, but a few of them are among the weirdest and greatest television ever put on the air, and in fact surpass any movies of the time. One is an adaptation of Robert E Howard's horrific "Pigeons from Hell" that is unforgettable (no matter how hard you try). But some others were original stories that - like the Outer Limits - were actually more surreal than most surreal films.
It is also interesting how all these series had such great music scores - they seem to go hand-in-hand and inspire each other.