You know it takes a big man to admit when he is wrong😳
Unfortunately, at 5 foot 6 inches tall and weighing about a buck 75 I'm hardly a big man so that should exempt me from ever admitting fault but I will admit that William was right.
After a little research it turns out Rod Serling really was the creative genius behind The Twilight Zone. A few years ago, my wife and I binge watched The Twilight Zone on Netflix and I noticed that many of my favorite episodes like "Steel," "To Serve Man" (DON'T GET INTO THE FLYING SAUCER. "TO SERVE MAN." IT'S A COOK BOOK!) and "Nightmare at 20,000 feet" were written by others. Although Serling wrote the teleplay for "To Serve Man" it was based on a story by somebody else.
However, Serling did write my favorite episode whcih was "The Rip Van Winkle Caper." If you remember that was the one where four theives steel a bunch of gold then escape into the desert and sleep for a hundred years. When they wake up, greed takes over and they start killing each other off. What they never find out is that 100 years in the future gold can be made synthetically rendering it worthless. Good stuff. So my apologies to all of the Rod Serling fans out there😊
Getting back to Zimmer, You know I actually liked some of his early works like Rainman. It was a simple score; not much to it, nothing like the bombastic crap he does now, but I thought it worked very well considering the subject matter of the film. I don't know maybe he's just succumbed to the present zeitgeist of mediocre filmscoring. It's all about just capturing a mood nowadays and you could pretty do that by depressing one key on your keyboard. .