I installed 4gb of RAM. Ran the 3GB switch w/ the USERVA=3328. Virtual memory is turned OFF.
I can now get Cubase/VSL to load about 2.7-2.8gb of sample buffers, so, yes--C4 IS large address aware.
top of that, Gigastudio, which uses kernel memory, can still load both
my Bosendorfer 290 and (yamaha) Gigapiano. Although, it chokes if you
load much of anything else on top of them. So, no need to buy a user
mode piano instrument. Giga will get me by until I find a nice Yammy
U1/U3 to put down here.
I did, for the record, first install 3gb
total...but, while the 3gb switch did make Cubase/VSL "see" more RAM to
load into, it didn't really change anything in the real world--it
maxxed at about 1.7GB of sample buffers. Considering my OS boots into
110mb, and C4 uses about 100mb overhead, this factors correctly--the
3gb switch doesn't really work unless you've got more than 3 GB, even
with the USERVA option set to 2.3 or 2.5gb, which are the options I
tried. Like I said-it does make it "see" more, but it can't seem to
utilize more than an untweaked default memory allocation.
yeah...this also dispells the rumor that the 3gb switch only works with
XP Pro, as I'm running Home. I've long told people that Microsoft said
that it would work with either version of XP, but people didn't seem to
believe me--proof is in da puddin'.