I agree I wish they would develop the mac version first then port to windows. I'm not saying they will do that or that this is the best option for VSL,but as a mac user, that would be my preference from a selfish point of view... but it seems to me that these days all things being equal Mac os is a far superior product to develop on if you work within the framework apple suggests and has worked hard to prepare for developers, namely, cocoa, not carbon which was always plugged in to the OS (properly mind you) as a legacy item. There was the darwin core, then the classic emulation was a "plug in" emulation, that is now no longer used - the carbon, and it was stated since the begginning this was transitional, although would be supported for a lot longer than classic , and finally cocoa, which is the preferred "standard". It seems to me this is case of just having to take the hard road to a good finish - and face up to the fact that cocoa is the modern standard development platform for the mac, and it's not as easy to port from windows, because it's a good deal further away from the windows world than carbon was... but I argue further, that that is a very good thing at least from an engineering perspective, even if it is, in the short term, easy to view it as impractical, and inconvenient, we could call it an inconvenient truth that a re-design is in order, in order to future proof the software on the mac platform in 64bit.??
Perhaps I'll get flamed for this post! All I know is that I find it frustrating that we mac users have to suffer for the inconsistencies and bad design of the windows platform, but then again, the mac would not have been quite the under dog and therefore quite the surviver and therefore quite the survivalist that it has become over the years without crummy windows and the fact that apple nearly got completely squashed before lord steve returned... still that lessens not my lack of mercy to windows and microsoft!
All things being fair, we have to respect that what VSL has done alone given the state of affairs, logic being apple only, the operating system changes, hardware changes and so on over the years, given that VSL is, correctly as Christian very much "push your consumer hardware to the limits" cutting edge use of standard hardware... they've done a good job.
One more point, I do think if they favourited the mac or at least equalled it as a platform for VSL compared to windows, they would find their VSL mac community would indeed grow as a direct result, because these days, except for hard core windows fans, you can't beat a mac for music production using VSL, excepting the fact that on windows you know you are a little better supported. And one other thing - Apple should be supporting VSL directly because the filter down effect of having technology like VSL superiorly supported on the Mac and how that translates in studios and perception of the platform, it only makes sense that they should befriend and fully support a clever company like VSL, If I were working at apple I would make sure VSL always had the latest test gear and was as well informed as their top VIP developers, it only makes sense and it can only help the cause!