) Other companies can't claim to be that open.
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I agree with most of what you said. I don't blame VSL for using Carbon. I blame VSL for being (overall) Windows-centered and (too often) blaming Apple when something's not working. Even though they did develop a Mac version, I hate reading stuff (basically) like, "we do care much more about Apple than we would like to have to.". To me this means, "we do it but it's really because we have to and I (secretly) wish we weren't."
If you don't want to develop for Mac, don't. If you want to and you're committed to it, then any amount of time is not a problem. I know when I was a webdesigner I would put the extra work to make sure my websites worked perfectly on Safari and Firefox; whatever the amount of time needed I simply wouldn't deliver a single website that didn't work on IE, Firefox *and* Safari (and at the time considering my layouts it was a challenge in itself, only to benefit a very little amount of people).
stevesong, thx for the link - the article is well considered and i pickup and return to a point it mentions (which has btw. been the initial start of this thread):
what about companies with a vast existing codebase like adobe (or in the case of VSL a nifty but not so huge codebase but less ressources than adobe)?
and consider even _if_ everything would be transitioned to Cocoa - how to compile the windows versions from it, or maintain two seperate codebases or actually have two development teams ... forget about it or see the speed of development slowing down (i'm assuming now nobody would ask to abandon windows versions to improve development of mac versions).
so one has to accept we are facing a kind of oneway and have to live with it, though i'd wish we wouldn't have to. such a wish should be understandable.
@cm said:
(i'm assuming now nobody would ask to abandon windows versions to improve development of mac versions).
I wouldn't mind... 😊
In all seriousness, that's the whole problem, and VSL is definitely not alone in that respect.
Adobe, Sibelius, the Mozilla Foundation, Native Instruments, Propellerhead.... there are countless companies who develop both for Windows and OS X, and the end result is that the Mac versions tend to be not as good as the Windows version. These products simply don't "feel" native. The interface doesn't follow OS X guidelines (Firefox), things are not working the way they should (I'm thinking about mouse scrolling in Sibelius for example), the file browser is proprietary (Reason), etc, etc. I don't know any cross-platform app which really "feel" native on Mac - but it (of course) always does on Windows.
This is why, whenever I can, I favor a native app, developed primarily for OS X. I've found that by doing that I have far less problems and it's much more consistent in terms of interface and/or functionality. It makes my life easier, and I actually enjoy my computing experience more.
Yes, I wish that some companies would be doing the same as MOTU and focusing on only one platform. They would then be able to use the advantages of *that* platform. The problem is that most sample companies have now become software companies as well and as a result have to spend huge resources into software development; and considering their user base it makes complete business sense to develop cross-platform apps (and it makes complete business sense to spend as less time as possible to make that cross-platform app work in two environments.) But the fact that I understand that cross-platform is a necessity doesn't make the product more attractive to me from a Mac-user standpoint.
Thanks for your comment. I do appreciate your frustration, but at least the article suggests that the decision to abandon Carbon was not completely thoughtless or arbitrary - - although that is small comfort to developers with existing Carbon codebases..... Right now, as you have pointed out in other places, there are alternatives for Mac users seeking to exceed the 2.5 GB sample load limit. In experimenting with Logic 8, OS 10.5.1 and VE, I have been able to create a file that simultaneously addresses and plays - - with reasonable success, the VE standalone, the VE plugin, the VI plugin, EXS 24 plugin and the Kompakt standalone (Logic 8 refuses to validate Kompakt under OS 10.5.1 although it successfully validated it under OS 10.4.11.) (For the audio from the standalones I am using SoundFlower to route the audio back into Logic via AUX channels - - not an ideal solution as Soundflower seems prone to introducing artifacts - - clicks and pops.) Such a setup is made infinitely more practical with Leopard's new "Spaces" feature which allows one to move instantly from one program or one page to another....as I said in an earlier post, it's almost like having 4 monitors.
Although an ardent Mac user, I couldn't disagree more with your point of view. I am incredibly glad that most companies do cross-platform development since it helps them stay in business and continue development. I am, for example, very, very, very glad that I do not have to purchase a Windows machine to access the VSL library. What's important to me is what you can do with the software, not whether or not it is sufficiently "mac-like" to suit my taste. I am not an adherent of the Mac "religion," I just want access to maximum functionality for making music.
Dual 2.5 GHz G5
OS 10.5.1 (and 10.4.11)
MOTI 2408
Logic 7 & 8
DP 4.6.1
jerome, your displayed name was the username of will ross because you are posting logged in to his account instead of using yours ... (which already has displayed name Jerome) - email me if you can't remember the respective email address.
btw: i've already asked you earlier a similar question because icouldn't find registered products for *Jerome* ...
soso ... motu concentrates on mac ... is this the reason their drivers are working so well (for both platforms)?
jerome - this for example http://community.vsl.co.at/forums/p/17077/122290.aspx#122290 is a post you made with your account (287 posts).
so i would ask you to revert will's account to what it has been and return to using your own account.
i'm sorry to hear you are also a victim of the tinyMCE - safari issue which we are trying to overcome, but i would ask you to continue such a discussion in the website issues forum so we don't get a third topic into this thread.
and of course you don't want to compare MOTU with VSL if their drivers are so-so, whereas VI software is not ;-) SCNR
Just to keep things in the right perspective:
VSL invests a lot more time, manpower and money in OSX developement, testing and support than we do in windows (double to tripple amount).
We do have more windows user than OSX users, so we simply invest much more ressources in our OSX userbase.
Therefor this whole discussion is really strange for me.
jeerome, the 18 posts made as will ross are now re-assigned to your account and the name for will's account is reset.
furthermore i don't think you're in a position to teach VSL how and in which order we should carry out or organize software development - i've tried in several attempts above to explain why your suggestions are neither reasonable nor actually possible.
i'd recommend you write some little C++ thingie and try to integrate it in Cocoa, then and compile an OS X and a windows version and then come back to me with the results and a report about the conveniences to do so.
i for myself will continue to criticize any platform - more precisely bugs and misbehaviour of any platform, be it mac, windows or any other where certain things don't work as they should (a nice example would also be java on symbian)
i will also continue to express my opinion about mis- or non-information where this applies as well as about price/value relations or reliability how i experience them for hardware or software - you can either accept other people are in another situation than you or not.
finally and to show the priorities apple has if to choose between i-thingies and the operating system or applications: the already fixed execution exploit for malformed images in mail is back in leopard and not even fixed with the first update and i noticed a problem regarding gateways (and finally routing tables) on multi-homed computers ... a shame for an OS which is in fact the successor of BSD, _the_ network and security focused OS ever.
everybody has to get their jobs done - the earlier, the better
I should start off by saying that I am a Mac user - - and use PC's only when compelled to. That's my preference - - nothing more.
Now that's out of the way, I'd like to suggest that everyone involved in this discussion take a deep breath and relax a little. The Mac vs. PC thing has always struck me as having a tone of quasi-religious conflict with each side nursing a sense of injury. People have different experiences and form opinions based on these experiences - - so, as in religious conflicts, neither side may think the other can fully understand or appreciate the truths of which they are so certain.
Leaving this aside, developers will, I fervently hope, continue to develop for both platforms. According to the developers I know, at one time or another, both Microsoft and Apple have been sources of immense frustration. I think one can safely assume that VSL wants to have satisfied customers - - regardless of the platform a particular customer prefers. In addition, developers are compelled to take economic reality into account - - in this case the reality is that, outside the U.S., the PC share of the professional music industry market is significantly larger than the Mac share, whereas, in the U.S., Macs have a large share of the professional music industry market. I'm sure that no developer whose audience is this market both in the U.S. and elsewhere would willingly want to forgo sales to either part of the market because of prejudice against one platform or the other.
I am sure that the folks at VSL will release a 64 bit version of VE as soon as it is possible. (I'm not mad at ShirtPocket software because they have yet to release a Leopard compatible version of SuperDuper - - a backup program that I have come to depend upon. The folks at ShirtPocket say they will release it as soon as it's ready - - and they develop only for Macs.. I believe them.)
So perhaps we should all agree to be friends and notice that developers and customers depend upon each other. I also think that we should be grateful for the creativity and excellence characteristic of VSL products - - as well as the creativity, generosity and intelligence of forum participants who so frequently come up with solutions to each other's technical problems.
i'd say it has become quiet because everything has already been said ... several times actually. not windows dictates a political situation, but C++ dictates development. same reason why there is no option to use the .NET framework or C#. less cost per unit would be nice, but not for any price - performance rules. give us the tools, we give you the applications.
I really did hope that everyone was taking a deep breath, but now I'm not sure what your most recent post means in practical terms. It is, after all Apple's decision regarding Carbon that seems to be the source of your frustaration - - a decision over which people who use Macs had no knowledge, influence or control. (I'm sure if they'd known this decision would cause enormous frustration to developers whose products are important to them, they would have voted against it overwhelmingly.) Most of your customers, I'd guess, are musicians who, as much as they know about music, may have little understanding of the programming issues that have currently frustrated you. What they do know is that they thought highly enough of VSL to make significant investments in its products. Those of your customers who use Macs simply want to be assured that VSL is committed to continued development of OSX versions of these products that have - - or will have - - functional parity with Windows versions. In other words, right now, they want to know if VSL is still committed to releasing a 64 bit version Vienna Ensemble for OS X. This question is, I believe, worthy of a direct answer.