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  • I've seen this kind of situation many times and this is why I react this way. As much as it looks inoffensive it is insulting at the same time. Steve is a School teacher, I bet he makes quite a bit more than you do! He doesn't have the time to put into learning VSL because he's busy with his real job. As dear William made a mockery about me mentioning the word: "Sacrifice" whether you like it or not there is some sacrifice to do in learning anything whether it's a passion or not. If Steve were to do like the rest of us and spent his own time learning VSL (that he supposedly bought...) or take time off from his school, he would loose many thousands of dollars! On top of jeopardizing his job.Try doing the exact same scenario with plumbers or electricians, make a little contest proposing all plumbers a reward of $100,00 to see which one could come up with the best solution to fix your toilet. And if you tell me: "that's different" I say it's NOT. Or maybe you could find a plumber that does it for the passion...

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    @Guy said:

    I've seen this kind of situation many times and this is why I react this way. As much as it looks inoffensive it is insulting at the same time. Steve is a School teacher, I bet he makes quite a bit more than you do! He doesn't have the time to put into learning VSL because he's busy with his real job.

    Let me tell you something about teaching and money. In the town nearest to me - pop. approx 12000 souls, they spent £3.5 million - that's about 6.5 million US dollars, about 2 years ago on a new music block for the school. A crappy school. Most of the school governors are either liberals or labourites. There was was one known conservative on the board. These kind people have no idea about financial planning visa vis - ongoing value.

    So they went ahead with constructing this place, complete with 250 seat plus auditorium (and forgot to include changing rooms btw). The residents of the town are NOT allowed to use this facility.
    The purpose of this place, I was told as as an invited guest to the opening, was purely and simply for musical education. I get led around this facility and all the time I'm thinking - this is never going to work - this is crazy - this is a complete nonsense waste of money. No one is going to use this place to the extent of justifying this kind of expense. 2 years on - and I am proven correct. It is empty most of the time. It should be constantly in use based on population versus expenditure. I am always right about anything financial. Always. I'm an expert at it.

    School teachers of any subject in this country are always complaining they don't make enough salary. That is total bullshit to me, given their general non expertise and the amount of holidays they get.
    I get the impression that things in America are quite different. That is why, by and large, given that the majority of the planet's population are morons, America is more successful at most things they attempt - it's a different mind set in other words.
    $100 wouldn't keep me in toilet paper for a week. It is merely an American gesture in the American way, with no more meaning than that. It would cost more than $100 to send it here. I wouldn't want it anyway. Do you understand this Guy/Holgmeister?

    Do make me start.

    [6] [8o|]

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    @Another User said:

    Do you understand this Guy/Holgmeister?


    Too old for Rock n Roll. Too young for 9th symphonies. Wagner Lover, IRCAM Alumni. Double Bass player starting in low Es. I am where noise is music.
  • Take cover!

  • I don't think it's a good idea to begin using different philosophies as "The American Way", 'cause as much as the Americans are successful they are as much a bad example of nearly as many things... Paul, I think you've been watch too many episodes of "Happy Days"!

  • Nobody talks to me iin person the way Guy wrote and continues talking for long. Go ahead with your little chat, but I do not appreciate being directly called an idiot.

    I'll stick to music from now on.

  • It is now Saturday evening 7.30 pm (19:30) GMT+1 in good old godess Europa. What are we talking about?

    It is a perfect time to start the evening with a beer, cook a great dinner and sit down with friends.

    After all, Music is about making friends, not enemies.

    Wish everyone a great weekend, perfect music and

    Peace on Earth (und den Menschen ein Wohlgefallen)

    Too old for Rock n Roll. Too young for 9th symphonies. Wagner Lover, IRCAM Alumni. Double Bass player starting in low Es. I am where noise is music.
  • I can sympathize, William. Guy seems to enjoy baseless indictments.

    On topic:

    I might be interested in this project if it was a straight fee and not a contest.

    I think the real issue is that Steve should do this thing himself instead of taking the lazy way out. I guarantee that he would learn way more than $100 worth by analyzing the articulations, applying them in this piece and learning that way.

    Deconstructing someone else's interpretation can be a shortcut in the short term but in order to become fluent with the VSL toolkit one must practice using it. There is no substitute.


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    @William said:

    Nobody talks to me iin person the way Guy wrote and continues talking for long. Go ahead with your little chat, but I do not appreciate being directly called an idiot.

    I'll stick to music from now on.

    Funny coming from a person who not too long ago wrote a truck full of insults to me and someone else....much worse than "idiot".


    You make a good point. I don't take these silly fights seriously anyway, and I'm posting while I'm making good music and am at peace with myself along with my friends. I bet Beethoven had a few clashes during his lifetime... [:D]

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    @clarkcontrol said:

    I can sympathize, William. Guy seems to enjoy baseless indictments.


    Very good...

  • Oh, my God.

    At least Evan Evans knew correct grammar, spelling and was smart.


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    @clarkcontrol said:

    Oh, my God.

    At least Evan Evans knew correct grammar, spelling and was smart.


    At this point you are the least of my worries.

    And I am very smart, and write english quite well for a for a french canadian, but how can a mindless person implying that I'm not smart know that?

  • I don't know. I'm not mindless, you'll have to ask someone who qualifies. Perhaps yourself?

    I'm glad that you changed "worry" to "worries" just now. It shows that you really do care.


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    @clarkcontrol said:

    Oh, my God.

    At least Evan Evans knew correct grammar, spelling and was smart.


    BTW, that is a cheap shot. At least I have the courage to show my "not perfect" english in this forum, and I'm not going to ask Evan Evans to write french and judge him according to that...

  • You're right.

    It is a cheap shot--to Evan. He's a Troll with a capital "T" while you are merely a troll with a lower-case "t."

    If this forum was French, maybe your silly analogy would hold water.

    Having the "courage" to present flawed arguments with flawed grammar and spelling is hardly a virtue.


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    @clarkcontrol said:

    You're right.

    It is a cheap shot--to Evan. He's a Troll with a capital "T" while you are merely a troll with a lower-case "t."

    If this forum was French, maybe your silly analogy would hold water.

    Having the "courage" to present flawed arguments with flawed grammar and spelling is hardly a virtue.


    What's your point? You want to insist I'm a moron, imbecile, can't spell, no brains etc..? Alright, that's what I am. Happy now? Did I make any grammatical errors? Oh, maybe I misspelled "grammatical", or maybe I misspelled "misspelled"?

  • My point was this:

    You're a troll.


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    @clarkcontrol said:

    My point was this:

    You're a troll.


    Ok, I'm a troll, can't write, not smart like Evan Evans.... Anything else?

    Oh yeah! Almost forgot: I enjoy baseless indictments.

  • I am glad that so many cosmopolits are around that speak english, french and german (and russian, chinese, spanish etc) at the same time in such a perfect way.

    It is indeed a cheap shot to call someone on his language. We all try our best, and some of us speak english as a mother tongue and some don't.

    As a professional, I have done projects on all four corners of the world, on all continents and in many different countries.

    Most of them have honored hospitality and english was the universal smallest denominator for all of us. Remember, the majority of the world speaks chinese....

    clarkcontrol, I am glad that your german and your french is soo much better than guy's and my english.

    Et parlez cosmopolitain: Anglais n'est pas le seule langue dans le monde

    Too old for Rock n Roll. Too young for 9th symphonies. Wagner Lover, IRCAM Alumni. Double Bass player starting in low Es. I am where noise is music.
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    @clarkcontrol said:

    My point was this:

    You're a troll.


    If guy was the cave troll from LOTR, I would not dare to meet him in the dark

    Too old for Rock n Roll. Too young for 9th symphonies. Wagner Lover, IRCAM Alumni. Double Bass player starting in low Es. I am where noise is music.