Fanx again
You`s really know your stuff in here
i`m pretty newb to this side of things
i will own a Mac some day...but it may be G 10 + by then hahahaha
So was i right to assume since logic for PC is so old( in computer world)
this will be a limiting factor for me to go EXS ? Makes me wonder why
so many on PC still go EXS . Is this all there will ever be for EXS on a PC ?
May someone be making some other prog soon to run EXS on a pc ?
And is Giga more stable on the pc these days ? Not even 1 yr ago i was
hearing so much flac on Tascam & Giga.....Have they got better ?
This uncertainty of Giga`s stability concerns me . i really hate dealing
with buggy software when i wanna make music . Don`t we all
"It will faithfully translate the sample mapping."
i just got this email from chicken systems , who assure me of an
everything , true , exact translation of EXS to giga ,
What more can i ask them to be certain . And whats beyond sample mapping that should concern me in a translation ?
If i had some exs files to test on translator , ( my friend has a nice
home studio in his basement ..Drool!!!! & hes always sworn by EXS
to me...but i dont see him much...not sure what program he has on EXS even ....) , would there be some way of testing a translation ? would it
be obvious when something was missed ? Or ?
All the time you guys share here is valued n appreciated
Vienna as good as have my dinero , but will it be EXS or logic LOL
You`s really know your stuff in here
i`m pretty newb to this side of things
i will own a Mac some day...but it may be G 10 + by then hahahaha
So was i right to assume since logic for PC is so old( in computer world)
this will be a limiting factor for me to go EXS ? Makes me wonder why
so many on PC still go EXS . Is this all there will ever be for EXS on a PC ?
May someone be making some other prog soon to run EXS on a pc ?
And is Giga more stable on the pc these days ? Not even 1 yr ago i was
hearing so much flac on Tascam & Giga.....Have they got better ?
This uncertainty of Giga`s stability concerns me . i really hate dealing
with buggy software when i wanna make music . Don`t we all
"It will faithfully translate the sample mapping."
i just got this email from chicken systems , who assure me of an
everything , true , exact translation of EXS to giga ,
What more can i ask them to be certain . And whats beyond sample mapping that should concern me in a translation ?
If i had some exs files to test on translator , ( my friend has a nice
home studio in his basement ..Drool!!!! & hes always sworn by EXS
to me...but i dont see him much...not sure what program he has on EXS even ....) , would there be some way of testing a translation ? would it
be obvious when something was missed ? Or ?
All the time you guys share here is valued n appreciated
Vienna as good as have my dinero , but will it be EXS or logic LOL